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RedHat issues (was Re:)

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: RedHat issues (was Re:)
Date: 22 May 1999 00:37:57 -0600

>>>>> "PJ" == Paul Johnson <address@hidden> writes:

PJ> On my system, which is RH6.0 installed on a clean partition, I
PJ> have the sym links:


PJ> Since they exist on the machine where I made the RPM, they
PJ> probably are needed on your machine.

These links are created by the libpng-devel package.  I wasn't aware
of this before, but Swarm clearly need to have *both* libpng and
libpng-devel for this to work correctly.  You shouldn't need to go
around, hand creating symlinks - that's the point of packages.  In
most standard RH setups, both packages are installed by default, I
think, which is why the problem has surfaced rarely.

PJ> I've checked 2 RH6.0 machines and they have this same link, FYI.

What happened on both machines when you run:

$ rpm -q libpng libpng-devel

I'm guessing that on these machines you have both installed.

 ---- Alex

  Alex Lancaster           |  e-mail: address@hidden
  Swarm Program            |     web: http://www.santafe.edu/~alex
  Santa Fe Institute       |     tel: +1-(505) 984-8800 (ext 242)

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