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proper way to avoid warning?

From: Rick Riolo
Subject: proper way to avoid warning?
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 14:25:35 -0400 (EDT)

I have a model in which my zoomraster has three points for
every cell in my Grid2D, so to do probing I have a simple
method like this:

-(void) clickAtX: (int) x Y: (int) y {
        [agentDisplay makeProbeAtX: x / 3 Y: y / 3];

which is linked to a Object2dDisplay like this:

  agentDisplay = [Object2dDisplay createBegin: [self getZone]];
  [agentDisplay setDisplayWidget: worldRaster];
  [agentDisplay setDiscrete2dToDisplay: [modelSwarm getWorld]];
  [agentDisplay setObjectCollection: [modelSwarm getAgentList]];
  [agentDisplay setDisplayMessage: M(drawSelfOn:)]; 
  agentDisplay = [agentDisplay createEnd];

and the worldRaster is set up as:

  worldRaster = [ZoomRaster createBegin: [self getZone]];
  worldRaster = [worldRaster createEnd];
  [worldRaster setColormap: colormap];
  [worldRaster setZoomFactor: 10];
  [worldRaster setWidth: [[modelSwarm getWorld] getSizeX]*3 - 1
               Height: [[modelSwarm getWorld] getSizeY]*3 - 1 ];
  [worldRaster setWindowTitle: "World"];
  [worldRaster pack];                           

 [worldRaster setButton: ButtonRight Client: self Message:  M(clickAtX:Y:)];

The above are defined as:

  id <ZoomRaster> worldRaster;
  id <Object2dDisplay> agentDisplay;    

This seems to work find, but I do get this warning:

/usr/bin/egcs -c -Wno-import -Wno-protocol -O2 -D_GNU_SOURCE
-I/s3/users/swarm/UM-ExpTools-4-1.4.1-linux ObserverSwarm.m   
ObserverSwarm.m: In function `-[ObserverSwarm clickAtX:Y:]':
ObserverSwarm.m:268: warning: method `makeProbeAtX:Y:' not implemented by 

What is the right way (or any way) to get rid of that warning?

 - r

Rick Riolo                           address@hidden
Center for Study of Complex Systems (CSCS)
4477 Randall Lab                
University of Michigan         Ann Arbor MI 48109-1120
Phone: 734 763 3323                  Fax: 734 763 9267

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