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gcc-2.95 released

From: Theodore C. Belding
Subject: gcc-2.95 released
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 1999 16:26:30 -0400 (EDT)

Since the differences between the various gcc and egcs compilers have been
discussed on this list, I thought I'd pass on the news that gcc-2.95 has
been released:


The former egcs team has taken over development of gcc, so the two
projects have been merged. From now on there will only be gcc; there won't
be any more egcs releases. gcc-2.95 includes all of the improvements
in egcs-1.1.2, as well as all of the features of the gcc-2.8.x releases.

If you're using gcc-2.8.x, you'll probably want to upgrade to a less buggy
version, such as this one...

Ted Belding                              address@hidden 
University of Michigan Center for the Study of Complex Systems
Homepage: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~streak/
PGP key:  http://www-personal.umich.edu/~streak/pgp-key.html

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