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Re: saving window sizes as well as positions?

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: saving window sizes as well as positions?
Date: 09 Oct 1999 00:36:50 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "CD" == Catherine Dibble <address@hidden> writes:

CD> I notice that it
CD> is in tkobjc/ArchivedGeometryWidget.h, but not in gui.h

Fixed, thanks.

CD> // Use ArchivedGeometryWidget's registerAndLoad rather than CreateEnd. 
CD> (Tcl -eval:) window name "w40477592" already exists in parent
CD>    while executing

I think it is likely that the reason you're finding you need to do this
is because -createEnd has already run implicitly as a part of +create:.
(Make sure you're sending +createBegin: and not +create: for the initial
create message sent to Canvas.

CD> If I don't use the GUI_UPDATE_IDLE_TASKS there, I get a blank
CD> canvas with no graph and with my bugs all in a wiggly heap in the
CD> extreme northwest corner.

This is effectively the same thing as a [actionCache doTkEvents], btw.

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