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From: Perrone Alessandro
Subject: CFP
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 22:56:02 +0100

Society for Computational Economics, Sixth International Conference
July 6-8, 2000, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
In collaboration with the Special Interest Group in Agent-Based Economics.

Economic Simulations in Swarm

                CALL FOR PAPERS

Computer simulations of economic systems are slowly gaining ground within
the economic profession. However, the Babel of different languages has
hindered so far the transmissibility and replicability of results
preventing any cumulative progress. The simulation platform Swarm designed
at the Santa Fe Institute and distributed free under the GNU license
agreement has certain features that makes it an ideal candidate as the
"Esperanto" of economic simulations, especially Agent-Based Economic

Papers that build on results obtained by simulating "artificial societies"
in Swarm are solicited for possible presentation at the Sixth International
Conference of the Society for Computational Economics on Computing in
Economics and Finance (CEF2000), to be held July 6-8 in Barcelona,
Catalonia, Spain.

If you would like to present such a paper, please email an abstract for the
paper to

        Francesco Luna (address@hidden)

no later than January 10, 1999.  Your abstract should include the name and
complete mailing address of each author (surface mail address, email
address, telephone number(s), and FAX number) plus a short one or two page
description of the paper that describes the model and why Swarm turned out
to be the chosen programming package. If a complete version of your paper
is available online, please include the URL in your abstract

Francesco Luna
Visiting Assistant Professor
office 440 7756715

     ( o o )
                                Amo parlare di niente,
                        E' l'unico argomento di cui so tutto.
  .oooO             Alex Perrone - address@hidden address@hidden
  (   )   Oooo.       Home Page: http://venus.unive.it/~alex
---\ (----(   )----------------------------------------------------
    \_)    ) /

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