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No CodeWarrior Professional for Linux

From: Benedikt Stefansson
Subject: No CodeWarrior Professional for Linux
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 20:04:18 -0700

Metrowerks has announced that it will probably not port
CodeWarrior Professional to Linux - the company had earlier
planned to release the full suite on the platform in Q4
1999. In Q1 1999 Metrowerks released a version of CW which
uses gcc/egcs as the compiler and does not include the
popular C/C++ APIs that come with CW on MacOS/Win/NT nor the
Java compiler.

I thought I'd take the liberty of sharing snippets of an
exchange about this matter that took place on
www.slashdot.org today, since it is reminiscent of debates
that surface once in a while on this list - i.e. with
respect to whether 'real men use IDEs'.

Basically it has little to do with Swarm, I just thought it
was funny.

The source for this is the following URL:



Those Bastards! They killed Codewarrior...

Seriously though, this is a bummer. Although i'm not a
particularly big fan of the codewarrior interface, i think
that the more choices for development


Emacs and an xterm is all you need.


vi and screen -r is all you need.


Punch cards are all you need...


A hex pad is all you need.

If you can't do cat > /vmlinuz then you are not worthy to be
a programmer.


those bastards! they've killed punchcards!


            >Emacs and an xterm is all you need.

             let me correct you. It should be:

             Emacs is all you need.


All you need is a soldering iron and a handful of


Benedikt Stefansson      | address@hidden
CASA, Inc.               | Ph : (505) 988-8807 x101
Santa Fe, NM 87501       | Fax: (505) 988-3440

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