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Inheritance; Value2dDisplay's linear mapping

From: Michael Stillwell
Subject: Inheritance; Value2dDisplay's linear mapping
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 22:31:08 +1100 (EST)

I understand from reading the documentation that inheritance doesn't
work in the "expected" way because most of swarm is based on
protocols, not classes.  Are there any vaguely OO-like workarounds?  I
find myself frequently writing ordinary C-style functions with
prototypes like "void setPlus(id <Set> self, id <Set> s)"; this works,
but I'm not very comfortable with this approach.

Is there any good way to get around the requirement that
Value2dDisplay's setDisplayMappingM:C: parameters must be integers?

Finally, are there any libraries available for plotting 2D data?



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