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Re: Temporal Lists

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: Re: Temporal Lists
Date: 11 Jul 2000 03:25:31 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.0803 (Gnus v5.8.3) Emacs/20.6

>>>>> "DA" == David Aliaga <address@hidden> writes:


DA> After this the method initializeMyValues finish. (it is going to
DA> be called again for other objects)

DA> The question is since the list is a variable inside the scope of
DA> the method, when it finish , the list (and the memory ocupied by
DA> it) also dissapear? ( or should I explicitily call something [list
DA> drop]?

If you allocate an object, which is a local variable, you always need
to `drop' it when it goes out of scope.  Objective C does _not_ have
automatic garbage collection.  [In Java, an allocated local variable
_would_ be garbage collected when the method was exited.  You might
consider using the Java interface if you aren't completely comfortable
with Objective C or C++ style memory allocation].

DA> i ask this because the next time I call initialize My Values I am
DA> going to create again the list and everything so I dont wanna use
DA> more and more memory.

DA> By the way Why should we use drop with index when they are use
DA> temporally.

Because creating an index consumes memory, and that memory needs to be
freed after it is not needed (the runtime environment doesn't do that
for you).

Alex Lancaster * address@hidden * www.santafe.edu/~alex * 505 984-8800 x242
Santa Fe Institute (www.santafe.edu) & Swarm Development Group (www.swarm.org)

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