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Re: Error

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: Re: Error
Date: 29 Nov 2001 02:49:02 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.1

>>>>> "DS" == David Sumpter <address@hidden> writes:

DS> Please could someone help me. I get the following error with my
DS> program when I run it under Swarm 2.1.1. This happened when I
DS> updated to this latest version and not with the old
DS> version. Though I have to admit making minor changes to my program
DS> around the same time. Any ideas what it means?  All my other swarm
DS> programs work fine.

Can you post some code?  A gdb backtrace would also be nice.  It's a
litle difficult to guess what your program might be doing.  Firstly
which "old version" of Swarm were you using?  And your "other"
programs work fine with Swarm 2.1.1?  I take it your apps are in
Objective C and not Java.

DS> I'm not on swarm-support, so could you please forward replies to
DS> me directly.

OK, but you should Cc all your replies to swarm-support, so we can
have a record.  Be warned that you might miss some replies because the
mailing list automatically sets up the "Reply-to" field to send to
swarm-support, and some folks don't necessarily manually add you to
the Cc list.

DS> David Sumpter.

DS> *** event raised for error: InvalidArgument *** function:
DS> fcall_type_for_objc_type(), file: /src/Swarm/swarm/src/defobj/int
DS> rnal.m, line: 1450 Could not find objc type `^' *** execution
DS> terminating due to error /src/Swarm/swarm/src/defobj/Symbol.m:173
DS> -[Error(c) _raiseEvent:] 0 [sig] EMIGRATE 1364 stackdump: Dumping
DS> stack trace to EMIGRATE.EXE.stac dump

DS> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.  [Switching
DS> to thread -1740915.0xffe67349] 0x61009ace in
DS> _size_of_stack_reserve__ ()

Just for laughs, try deleting (or moving to the side) your
~/.swarmArchiver file, I'm guessing you may be using an old version of
the archiver with a formatting change.

   Alex Lancaster * <address@hidden> * www.santafe.edu/~alex 
Dept. of Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley (ib.berkeley.edu) * +1 510 642-1233
    & Swarm Development Group, Santa Fe, New Mexico (www.swarm.org) 

   Swarm-Support is for discussion of the technical details of the day
   to day usage of Swarm.  For list administration needs (esp.
   [un]subscribing), please send a message to <address@hidden>
   with "help" in the body of the message.

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