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Re: Java support for SWARM

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: Re: Java support for SWARM
Date: 24 Apr 2002 05:37:04 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

>>>>> "K" == Kanagaraj Krishna <address@hidden> writes:

K> Hi, I'm new to SWARM and planning to start learning it form the
K> Java extension because I'm quite familiar with the language. Before
K> I start I need answers for few questions:

K> -Does swarm have good support for the Java extension, like examples
K> and tutorial (the tutorial i downloaded from the site has examples
K> for objective c only). Tutorial that starts from the basic like
K> constructing agents, setting their rules for each agent, getting
K> output result of simulation, communication and information sharing
K> between agents, etc?

Have a look at:


for a step-by-step Java tutorial.  Also, you can find a Java tutorial
which is more-or-less a translation of the Objective-C tutorial:


This will be moved to savannh.gnu.org soon.

K> -Is there any addtional tools that can be used with SWARM to
K> generate graphs and for analysis purposes?

Ptplot is a Java-based library for graphs.  Some of our users have
built extensions to Swarm using it.

  Alex Lancaster           |  
  Swarm Development Group  |     web: http://www.swarm.org

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