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State of Swarm on Mac OS X?

From: Ed Baskerville
Subject: State of Swarm on Mac OS X?
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 00:34:05 -0400 (EDT)

I'm new to this list, and haven't actually used Swarm yet, but a general
question before I dive in: what is the state of Swarm on Mac OS X? I've
read some of the archived stuff, but didn't get a good feel for the
answers to such questions as:

(1) Does someone out there have it running in a usable form?
(2) How far is it from being part of the standard distribution/a
double-clickable .pkg/Fink package/something like that?
(3) (I'm a Cocoa programmer almost exclusively.) Is there any way to throw
a Cocoa UI on top of Swarm stuff, or does the GNU ObjC vs. Apple ObjC
issue prevent that?

Apologies if this has all been answered already.

Ed Baskerville
University of Michigan College of Engineering
Undergraduate Student - BSE (Computer Science)

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