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Re: [Swarm-Support] Debian packages for Swarm 2.2.5

From: Paul Johnson
Subject: Re: [Swarm-Support] Debian packages for Swarm 2.2.5
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 13:07:59 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080925)

Masayuki Hatta wrote:

I cooked up Debian packages for Swarm 2.2.5.  I tested with ASM 2.4.1
(2.4 doesn't work) and (j)heatbugs.  Seems they work.

You can obtain them from:


Actually it's apt-gettable, so adding
deb http://www.mhatta.org/debian/swarm ./
deb-src http://www.mhatta.org/debian/swarm ./

to /etc/apt/sources.list should also work.

I'm now considering to upload them to the main Debian archive, so I
appreciate if you could test them thoroughly.  At least I have to
write manpages...

Some bugs I could find:

o --enable-gnustep doesn't work.  The build system can't find GNUstep
header files.

o --enable-xmlrpc doesn't work. Seems xmlrpc-private.h is missing.

Thanks very much. I respect your effort there. I don't know about those configure problems.

When Jakson Aquino made his debian packages, he was concerned about the location of installed files. He thought the Debian policy would require relocation of stuff from /usr/etc/swarm to /usr/share/swarm. I've been reviewing your diff and I can't tell if you have considered that problem. I was very glad to see that you have not made a bunch of changes to the Swarm source code itself. That's one of the big problems I have against debian packaging. packagers are allowed/tempted to make changes in the package itself to fit their packaging requirements. (Again, just reflecting my RedHat training, I think, and I'm very glad you have packaged that stuff so I don't have to learn the Debian patch thing).


Best regards,

Masayuki Hatta
Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo


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