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Re: [Swftools-common] swfc regression in sound reading ?

From: Matthias Kramm
Subject: Re: [Swftools-common] swfc regression in sound reading ?
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2010 11:37:47 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 09:11:02AM +0100, strk <address@hidden> wrote:
> The offending line is:
>   .sound audio "sound1.wav"
> This is used in a testcase of GNU Gnash and is giving different results
> on different machines. Ie:
>  FAIL: snd.duration: expected: "13740" , obtained: "13766"  [sound.sc:25]

I can not reproduce this using the latest git version-
i.e., using the following (simple) swfc file:

.flash bbox=200x200 filename="sound_test.swf" version=6 fps=30
  .sound audio "sound1.wav"
    snd=new Sound();
    trace("Sound duration is: ");
    trace("Correct value should be 13740");

When running the following commands:

    swfc sound_test.sc
    flashplayer sound_test.swf

This output is generated:

    Sound duration is: 
    Correct value should be 13740

The sound file has 110000 samples at 8000 Hz. swfc will resample it to
be 44100 Hz (resulting in 606375 samples), pad it to be a multiple of
1125 (for mp3 compression, giving a total of 607104 samples at 44100 Hz).
MP3 encoded, this results in 263 blocks at 11025 Hz, of 576 (stereo)
samples each, 576 * 263 / 11.025 = 13740.408163265306 milliseconds in 
total, which leads me to believe the 13740 value is the correct one.

Could you send me a SWF file that has a bad sound length?


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