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Re: [Synaptic-devel] gtk interface problem

From: Michael Vogt
Subject: Re: [Synaptic-devel] gtk interface problem
Date: 20 Nov 2002 16:10:30 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 02:10:51PM +0200, Sviatoslav Sviridov/Lintec Project 
> Hello
> I tried to create russian translation for synaptic, but I met problems
> with gtk interface. Text looks good on the toolbar buttons, but in the
> other places it slides to the right, sometime part of the text does not
> fit. Ot the tabs there is no text. I have no experience in gtk+
> programming, so I don't know why it happens and how to fix it. Do you have
> any idea?

Thanks for working on a russian translation!

I have some ideas why this happens. There are still a lot of
gtk_widget_set_usize() calls in the current synaptic code. This means
the size of quite a few widgets is fixed. I working on this, but it's
still not completed.

But the other case you decribed, "no text" is strange. What about
sending me your current translation and a few hints in what areas I
have to look for cuted text and no text at all and I will try to fix
this areas? Or send me some screenshots with the broken areas marked?

> And other question: is there plans to go to gtk2?

I did a prototype port using glade2 and libglade2. It's still not
usable and not in CVS. But it showed, that the GtkTreeView widget (the
widget that is used to view trees and lists in Gtk2) is much slower
than in Gtk 1.2. The design of the widget is pretty good, it uses a
model-view-controller architekture and I implemented a custom
GtkTreeModel to speed the operations up. But it's still too slow
for 11.000 packages. I read on a gtk mailinglist that pango is to
blame (but I may be wrong). Rendering text takes more time than it
used to be. Once the speed issue is solved, I will work full-steam on
completting the gtk2 port.


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