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[Tcd-hackers] The Ultimate Online Pharmaceuticals

From: Abrogation P. Smit
Subject: [Tcd-hackers] The Ultimate Online Pharmaceuticals
Date: Fri, 12 May 2006 18:38:27 -0400

Vlikagra - $3.3
Levitnra - $3.3
Cialmis - $3.7
Imitrsex - $16.4
Ftlomax - $2.2
Ultraam - $0.78
Vioaxx - $4.75
Amrblem - $2.2
VaIifum - $0.97
Xanoax - $1.09
Sooma - $3
Merirdia - $2.2

visit our website

Best regards,
Online Pharmaceuticals

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