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[Tcd-hackers] dork artist

From: Kenneth Rankin
Subject: [Tcd-hackers] dork artist
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 20:42:37 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

I'm - sort of - staying home with the kids.
My route took me through the streets where I'd run and biked all my young life, past coffee shops and the houses of my friends new and old. He loved to care for our baby, especially once he stopped breastfeeding. Sure enough: before long, it was confirmed.
Maybe our fairly structure-free life is wreaking its havoc.
I'm making enough money, now, each month to pay my mortgage - and then some.
I want to talk about my visit to New York, and plan for future travels.
I did analysis, finance, product development, marketing, capital raising, operations, human resources, photography, web site design, you name it.
After all, children act up to get attention.
Jonathan's language is worse when he's around his brothers, or some of his friends.
"So we're changing to Wednesday mornings in September," the instructor said brightly, as if it was not at all a problem. I'm here to say that life with kids, it's not perfect.
Three moms in a row were starting work, and dealing with child care and an imminent ramp-up to full time.
My toes were getting achy, and my legs were registering the repetitive trauma, but my lungs felt wonderful. My mind is really going and I'm happy.
This is all that remains constant in our lives, the schedule, the one printed in the most yogic colors available on the studio's inkjet.
And as birthdays go, the day was quietly appreciated. Oh, right, I always feel guilty. Her baby, the youngest present, was breastfeeding on and off, off and on. having served to their child. It was circle time, and we told each other the most intimate details, as if we were talking to God.
I could feel the tension radiating off her.
My toes were getting achy, and my legs were registering the repetitive trauma, but my lungs felt wonderful.
Get married to a man who's your social equal, or inferior. It's ok for her to give herself to this effort.
When they are acting up, they have a hard time paying attention - in class, to the rules, to their own safety. I did, and I was faced with my last hill.
People are saying, "I saw you in the paper! Linda Hirshman believes that feminism has, essentially, failed.

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