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Re: [Texmacs-dev] HTML, XML, XSLT (was: texmacs installation problem)

From: Felix Breuer
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] HTML, XML, XSLT (was: texmacs installation problem)
Date: 16 Nov 2002 21:26:05 +0100

> Finally, I would like to note that if some XML work is done perhaps
> TeXmacs would spark some interest in the (big) XML community and receive
> some helping hands to advance XML integration. On the other hand, having
> a simple HTML output that supports bulleted/enumerated, sectioning,
> italic/bold and links would do at least partially for all non
> mathematical folks (a book on Geography of Spain is being written with
> TeXmacs for the alqua project) and certainly for the website, and may
> come faster.

I have written an XML export filter which does a 1:1 conversion of the
TeXmacs document tree into an XML tree. I have not uploaded/posted this
patch yet because I need to clean up the code a bit first. I have also
written an XSLT stylesheet that converts the exported XML into HTML
(support for sections, subsections, (un)ordered lists, emphasized and
bold text is included). You can have a look at it at


Of course the same thing could easily be achieved using a direct export
filter written in Scheme or C++. (This solution just seemed easiest _to
me_ because I know XSLT better than I know Scheme ;) 
I think, however, that an "export XML" option has one advantage over an
"export HTML" option (if only one of the two is present): If a user
wants to a) use custom layout code in her HTML or b) wants to convert
TeXmacs documents to her own XML dialect, she can do this by providing
an XSLT stylesheet (which is entirely "outside" texmacs) instead of
writing a custom export filter (which is tightly integrated with
texmacs). Coming from the XML community she may also be more familiar
with XSLT than with Scheme.

I will upload my import/export filter ASAP.


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