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[Texmacs-dev] What you want to see, is not what you want to print

From: Alain Herreman
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] What you want to see, is not what you want to print
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 14:42:39 +0100


A remark concerning the general "philosophy" of TeXmacs.
There are many many things you can do with TeXmacs you can't do once you
have printed (using Scheme, Maxima etc.). And that's very interesting and
important. Nevertheless, in my opinion TeXmacs is still too much concerned
with printing . "Too much concerned" doesn't mean that TeXmacs should not be
as good as it is in printing texts but that printing should not be the main
and permanent concern while working with a text editor. But TeXmacs
working-environnement is still very much concerned with printing : the size
of the page on the screen is paper-size, environnements are all concerned
with print (article, book, etc.), etc.
In my opinion, the working environnement should be defined for itself. And
it's only when you want to print that you should have a process transforming
your working environnement in a printing one, the TeXmacs actual one (hiding
what you want to hide, again..., and with all the sizes redefined according
to paper-sizes).

WYSIWYG has to be completed : What you see on the screen, is not what you
print! (WYSNOP)

In the beginning, printers where also very much concerned to print books
looking like manuscripts...

I know it is possible to do that with ts, but I wonder if it would not be
better to put in more in the core of  TeXmacs : maybe printing is no longer
the main task of a text editor.

I don't know if it is the right place for this remark, which doesn't help
very much..., and certainly it is already well known by Joris.

Alain Herreman

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