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Re: [Texmacs-dev] TeXmacs on Cygwin

From: david
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] TeXmacs on Cygwin
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 18:21:56 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

On Tue, Dec 17, 2002 at 03:36:18PM +0100, Joris van der Hoeven wrote:
> It would be great if David could charter a Windows computer
> at Rennes and try to provide some support for Cygwin when
> TeXmacs 1.0.1 will be released. Indeed, I would like to mention
> that we now support Cygwin, but the following additional work
> has to be done:
> 1) Complete the web page http://www.texmacs.org/Download/Cygwin.html

That would be good indeed. Automatic detection of g++-2 would make
this simpler though.

> 2) Make a binary distribution of TeXmacs on cygwin. The idea is to

I do not quite agree, because TeXmacs has dependences on external
tools (gs-x11, netbpm, wget, etc.) which are generally installed on
linux distribution but not on Cygwin systems (which tend to be very

A better solution would be a cygwin package. Maybe we can provide one
without being integrated in the cygwin distribution.

> 3) Make a binary distribution with Cygwin and TeXmacs and
>    possibly other interesting software, like all supported
>    free computer algebra systems.

That would also be a good idea.

> I appreciate it if David started to work on this tomorrow,

Sorry, but I will probably not have the time tomorrow. I am not sure I
could get immediate access to a Windows machine. And when I get back
my priority should be the work on Macaulay2.

PS: I out for 8 days starting tomorrow evening.

David Allouche         | GNU TeXmacs -- Writing is a pleasure
Free software engineer |    http://www.texmacs.org
   http://ddaa.net     |    http://alqua.com/tmresources
   address@hidden  |    address@hidden
TeXmacs is NOT a LaTeX front-end and is unrelated to emacs.

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