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Re: [Texmacs-dev] Disastrous boot time for new versions

From: david
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] Disastrous boot time for new versions
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 15:56:56 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

Please, write in English in the public mailing lists. We have a lot of
international readers (english, spanish, russian, dutch, columbian,
etc. even a few US americans!) and they do not all speak french.

Here comes a translation of your message:

On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 03:10:11PM +0100, Philippe Audebaud wrote:
> Bonjour Joris,
> je crois que c'est un bon moment pour faire un petit retour...

Hi Joris,

I think it is time for a little come-back.

> On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 12:34:28PM +0100, Joris van der Hoeven wrote:
> > I have continued the reorganization of the Guile/Scheme interface.
> C'est super. J'ai passe mes jouets au nouveau format de plugin.

Great, I ported my toys to the new plugin format.

> J'ai passe aussi la documentation de mes collegues de Nijmegen en
> suivant ta suggestion. En fait, comme il n'y a encore d'appel guile
> pour la conversion de fragments de textes en LaTeX ou autre, j'ai
> trouve une recette en trois coups : perl -> texmacs -> ocaml pour
> transformer tous les fichiers.

Following your suggestion, I also ported the documentation from my
co-workers at Nijmegen. Actually, since there is not yet any GUILE
call to convert text fragments to LaTeX or other I found a recipe in
three steps: perl -> texmacs -> ocaml to translate all my documents.

> Je comptais te parler de ces questions de filtres entree/sortie ; cela
> viendra plus tard car tu dois avoir plus urgent a penser ? 

I planned to talk you about these issues of i/o filters; that will
come later since you must have more urgent things to think about?

> Si je dois me restreindre a l'essentiel, cela serait de savoir un peu quels
> sont les changements planifies... disons sur les deux prochains mois ? Est-ce
> possible ? Cela me permettrait de ne pas partir dans des directions qui
> devraient etre ensuite abandonnees.

If I must limit myself to the essential, that would be to know which
are the planned changes... say for the next two monthes. Would that be
possible? That would allow me to avoid directions which would have to
be abandoned later on.

> Je visite (et commence a patcher src/Convert/Connect/* et src/Guile/Glue/*
> car je veux travailler sur le mode session Coq <-> TeXmacs.

I am browsing (and start to patch src/Convert/Connect/* and
src/Guile/Glue/* since I want to work on the Coq plugin.

> > Unfortunately, we have to pay a big price for that: the boot time explodes.
> > On a 1GHz PC, I noticed an increase of about 3.5 sec (so 17.5 sec on
> > a 200MHz PC?). This is clearly unacceptable, so we will have to work
> > hard to reduce this to a more acceptable increase (1 sec would be
> > reasonable, since almost all menu/keyboard logic has been transferred).
> Je suis passe ce matin a Guile 1.6.3 au lieu de 1.4.1 jusqu'alors. Sans faire
> de mesures, il me semble que j'ai bcp gagne en performances.

This morning I switched to Guile 1.6.3 instead of 1.4.1 up to now.
Without any measurement I am under the impression that performance
improved a lot.

                                                            -- DDAA

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