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[Texmacs-dev] graphviz patch and antialiasing patch

From: avoozl-texmacs
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] graphviz patch and antialiasing patch
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 12:50:09 +0200 (CEST)

Hi, I haven't played with texmacs in quite a while, but now that I
installed the latest version again, i noticed a few oddities.

The graphviz session plugin (by me) seems to rely on the fact that dot
accepts the 'ps2' output type, which seems to have been made redundant (or
has been removed for a different reason). To fix this, I've made a few
tiny pathces.

I'm not sure if anyone is interested in these modifications, since the
latter is a bit of a kludge (and this might have to be togglable with a
configuration option of some kind).


line 90:

  fp = popen( "dot -Tps2 dotty.tmp.dot 2>dotty.tmp.err", "r" ); 
  fp = popen( "dot -Tps dotty.tmp.dot 2>dotty.tmp.err", "r" );

Also I noticed the antialiasing of embedded pictures was removed, and
since I don't know when and why this happened, I've made a quick hack to
enable antialiasing again.


line 82:

  system ("tm_gs", temp_name);
  system ("tm_gs -sDEVICE=x11alpha", temp_name);


Jorik Blaas

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