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Re: "paragraph" gluing (Was: [Texmacs-dev] Applied patches)

From: Nix N. Nix
Subject: Re: "paragraph" gluing (Was: [Texmacs-dev] Applied patches)
Date: 13 Feb 2004 15:11:46 -0700

On Fri, 2004-02-13 at 12:06, Joris van der Hoeven wrote:
> Patch 2590 is refused (see previous discussion on this list).

Unfortunately, something has to be done about paragraph gluing. 
Currently, TeXmacs will do the following:  If I create a paragraph
consisting of a bulleted list, followed by a paragraph consisting of a
single sentence, it will take the bulleted list and designate it the
"title" of the paragraph consisting of a single sentence.  That is,

o Bulleted list item

This is a line of text forming a paragraph.

will result in

  \item Bulleted list item
\end{itemizedot}}{This is a line of text forming a paragraph.}

I believe that the third incarnation of patch #2590, entitled, correctly addresses this

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