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Re: [Texmacs-dev] hacking progs/convert/latex/tmtex.scm

From: Nix N. Nix
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] hacking progs/convert/latex/tmtex.scm
Date: 22 Oct 2004 15:53:25 -0600

On Fri, 2004-10-22 at 11:47, Felix Breuer wrote:
> Given a big figure, it currently produces
> \tmfloat{h}{big}{figure}{ content }{ caption }
> and I want it to produce
> \begin{figure}[h]
>  content
> \caption{ caption }
> \end{figure}

multicol is the only package capable of generating pages that look like

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All other methods of generating two or more columns of text require that
the two columns start on a new page, or that the entire document consist
of two-column text.

Since TeXmacs is also capable of generating such pages, the only way to
translate such pages is to use multicol.

The problem was that your figure code doesn't work with the multicol
package.  The only workaround which would work with both normal
documents and documents containing two-column chunks was the one
currently present in the definition of tmfloat.

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