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[Texmacs-dev] Re: TeXmacs interface to OpenAxiom

From: Kostas Oikonomou
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] Re: TeXmacs interface to OpenAxiom
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 08:46:38 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090818)

Replying to this thread is getting complicated, but I'll try :-)

Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
Bill, thanks for this detailed inverstigation.  See my comments below.

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 9:15 PM, Bill Page <address@hidden> wrote:
On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 7:24 PM, Bill Page wrote:
I know that OpenAxiom has introduced it's own "driver" programmed
called open-axiom to replace the old shell script called 'axiom'. I am
not familiar with how open-axiom hands-off the input-output to sman,
clef and AXIOMsys. �Perhaps Gaby can help here. �But I wonder if all
of these layers do not somehow interfere with the tm_axiom
communication protocol.

Indeed, the OpenAxiom driver is a native C program so that the
same source code is used on Windows and Unix systems.
Invoking OpenAxiom as

     open-axiom --no-server

will disable sman (e.g. equivalent to old -nosman).  It is also
the prefered way to invoking AXIOMsys directly -- there are more
setups automatically handled by the open-axiom driver that is
not done by AXIOMsys.  Ideally, users should not have to know
about the existence of AXIOMsys.

Kostas wrote:
Removing the Windows-specific stuff from the TeXmacs interface that
comes with OpenAxiom seems more difficult to me.

You should be able to get the old tm_axiom code to work. �The first
thing that I would try is to call AXIOMsys directly instead of
open-axiom. �(Or perhaps Gaby can suggest some command line options
for open-axiom that will result in the same thing.). �If you do call
AXIOMsys directly you will have to deal with the fact that AXIOMsys
only returns one

�(1) ->

prompt while calling open-axiom (and fricas and the original axiom
script) return this prompt twice because internally sman starts a new

'open-axiom --no-server' does not show that annoying problem.

Indeed. I tried that, and the Axiom interface that comes standard with TeXmacs works beautifully. Thanks very much. As far as I'm concerned, the TeXmacs interface issue for OpenAxiom is solved.

If some of these details don't mean much to you right now, please just
ask. I would be glad to help you get this working properly but I am
reluctant to spend much time on it for my own purposes.

I did a little testing. �First I did 'apt-get install texmacs' on my
Debian 5.0 system where I have all three of Axiom, OpenAxiom and
FriCAS installed. Starting texmacs I tried to 'Insert/Session" but I
noticed that the 'Axiom" option was not present. �So I did a little
digging and found that the tm_init script is looking for a specific
file named '/usr/bin/axiom'.

In my TeXmacs there is no tm_init.

I created a symbolic link from
/usr/bin/axiom -> /usr/local/bin/open-axiom and then I was apparently
able to start an "Axiom" session but I got symptoms very similar to
what you described - except worse. I had to enter something 5 or 6
times before it produced any output and then sometimes it still did
not work.

I build and installed TeXmacs from the sVN source.  Curiously, I would not
find trace of the 'tm_init' program in the destination (fro me, it is
by a recursive `find'.  Joris, is that program supposed to be installed
through special incantation?

I agree that looking for /usr/bin/axiom is bad, but this is not what's happening in TeXmacs, the latest stable release, so it's not really an issue.

I think looking for the hard path "/usr/bin/axiom" is a mistake.  That should be
looked for only if a relative serach from PATH fails.  Once, I understand
the intricacies of the plugins (yes. I've read the doc), I'll contribute code
for looking for OpenAxiom.  But, right now, it looks as if half of the TeXmacs
helper programs were never installed when I issued `make install'.

Instead of starting texmacs to test, you can run tm_axiom filter
directly like this:

� /usr/lib/texmacs/TeXmacs/bin/tm_axiom

This should start '/usr/bin/axiom', issue a prompt to what it thinks
is texmacs (but really is your consol), and then wait for input.
Everything you type will be sent to the "axiom" and the result
returned. I tried typing


and eventually got a response.

Oddly using a link to my Axiom installation

�/usr/bin/axiom -> /usr/local/bin/axiom

also did not work and produced very similar results.

So I tried the following instead. I deleted the symbolic link and
created a file named


with the contents

�fricas -nosman

and made it executable. �Now running tm_axiom as above produced the
following result:

address@hidden:~$ /usr/lib/texmacs/TeXmacs/bin/tm_axiom
verbatim:channel:promptlatex:\red$\rightarrow$\ verbatim:)version
Value = "Monday September 14, 2009 at 20:50:41 "
channel:promptlatex:\red$\rightarrow$\ verbatim:)quit
latex:\red The address@hidden:~$

And I found that everything worked in texmacs!

The option '-nosman' in FriCAS is equivalent to running AXIOMsys
directly. I think the same thing is OpenAxiom is

�open-axiom --no-server

yes, open-axiom --no-server is the command to issue.

I tried this but I got

address@hidden:~$ open-axiom --no-server
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

This works fine for me, with SVN version of OpenAxiom as of a few days ago, on OpenSolaris.

Huh?  I do not seem able to reproduce that on my GNU/Linux and
windows systems.  I do not have access to Debian box.

Oddly, repeating this several times sometimes started OpenAxiom
successfully but most times it did not. I don't know what the problem

yeah, that looks very curious.  I don't have access to a Debian
system, and I can't reproduce it on my linux boxes, so ...

This is with OpenAxiom built using sbcl from

address@hidden:~/open-axiom-src$ svn info
Path: .
URL: https://open-axiom.svn.sf.net/svnroot/open-axiom/trunk
Repository Root: https://open-axiom.svn.sf.net/svnroot/open-axiom
Repository UUID: f499efd5-9937-0410-b36a-d3739c31ded8
Revision: 1283
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: dos-reis
Last Changed Rev: 1283
Last Changed Date: 2009-09-16 02:20:06 -0400 (Wed, 16 Sep 2009)

Gaby, what do you think?

Bill Page.

-- Gaby

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