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[Texmacs-dev] slow images..... and slight improvement hack

From: Michael Lachmann
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] slow images..... and slight improvement hack
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 16:59:09 +0200


I think that everybody will agree that image rendering in TeXmacs is currently 
quite broken.

If I understand correctly, an imported image is first converted to eps. (I 
think using the scheme conversion methods). Then, when the image is displayed, 


Is called, which is hard coded to use gs with certain parameters. Then, when 
the file is exported, the image is again converted, if necessary. I think 
TeXmacs should keep the image in the original format, and render it from there. 
On printing it might be converted, or not. And, I think that image rendering 
should be done in the background so that TeXmacs does not get stuck every time 
an image is displayed....

As a temporary remedy, I added a hack...

First of all, calling gs is not hard coded in TeXmacs. Instead an external 
script is called. (hard coded in my version ;)

Since we use an external script, we can try different things... maybe use gs 
correctly, or some such.

The script I ended up using simply calls gs exactly like TeXmacs originally 
did, except that it caches images. So if an image is rendered once in a certain 
resolution, the cached version is used, instead. The cache uses 
~/.imagecache/[CRC32 of image]/img_404x449_90x90.png

Where 404x449_90x90 are the requested resolutions of the image.

For now, it works nicely for me. Sadly, there isn't really a facility to redraw 
an image when something goes wrong, so you might have to erase ~/.imagecache

This whole thing is a horrible hack. But since I work with images that take 20 
seconds or more to render (just a simple 50x100 density plot from R, nothing 
fancy), and a document will have many of those, scrolling through the document 
was really maddening.

Anyway, here is the script and the edits.

The edit to src/Plugins/Ghostscript/gs_utilities.cpp is to replace gs_to_png 
gs_to_png (url image, url png, int w, int h) {
#if defined (__MINGW__) || defined (__MINGW32__)
  string cmd= "\"";
  cmd << get_env ("TEXMACS_PATH") << string ("\\bin\\gswin32c\" ");
  string cmd= "/usr/local/bin/ps_to_png ";
  cmd << " " << as_string (w) << " " << as_string (h) << " ";
  int bbw, bbh;
  int rw, rh;
  gs_image_size (image, bbw, bbh);
  rw= (w*72-1)/bbw+1;
  rh= (h*72-1)/bbh+1;
  cmd << " " << as_string (rw) << " " << as_string (rh) << " ";  
  cmd << " " << sys_concretize (png) << " ";
  cmd << sys_concretize (image);
  system (cmd);

What do you think?


Attachment: ps_to_png
Description: Binary data

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