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Re: [Tinycc-devel] Basic patch for passing W9X short DOS paths to TCC.

From: lostgallifreyan
Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] Basic patch for passing W9X short DOS paths to TCC.
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 14:11:08 +0100

Joshua Phillips <address@hidden> wrote:
(15/04/2009 13:46)

>stricmp or strcasecmp would be provided by the C library. Tcc is only a 
>compiler - it doesn't include a C library. Therefore, the presence of stricmp 
>or strcasecmp will be determined by the C library you're using (GNU libc or 
>MSVCRT or other)

Ok, that makes sense, but if it were only the library that determines what's 
there, TCC might compile C++. As it doesn't I assume it's not just the library 
that determines this.
(That remark is based in my possibly erroneous assumption that C++ is a kind of 
superset of C with a lot more dedicated functions).
In short, doesn't the compiler have to 'understand' what it's compiling?

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