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[Tinycc-devel] Use TCC with GSL under Windows

From: Chen, Xianwen
Subject: [Tinycc-devel] Use TCC with GSL under Windows
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2016 23:43:40 +0200

Dear TCC developers,

I have been very impressed by the size of exe's that TCC produces in Windows. For the simple hello_world.c, TCC produces an exe of 2 KB, while mingw-w64 produces an exe of 164 KB. Therefore, I would like to continue to learn to use TCC.

One thing I try to do is to use TCC together with GNU Scientific Library (GSL). I installed GSL under cygwin64 on Windows 7. I tried to compile the example program from GSL manual (https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/An-Example-Program.html#An-Example-Program) as following:

tcc Bessel_Function.c -I C:\cygwin64\usr\include\

However, I got the error message of:

In file included from Bessel_Function.c:1:
In file included from C:/cygwin64/usr/include//stdio.h:60:
In file included from C:/cygwin64/usr/include//sys/reent.h:15:
C:/cygwin64/usr/include//sys/_types.h:168: error: ',' expected (got "__wch")

I guess the problem is that one of the GSL library is calling stdio.h and then reent.h under Windows environment? How can I solve this problem?

Warm regards,


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