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[Tlf-devel] Tlf-0.9.12 upload

From: Rein Couperus
Subject: [Tlf-devel] Tlf-0.9.12 upload
Date: Thu, 01 Jan 2004 16:26:21 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.5.4

Happy New Year to all tlf users (and future users)!!

Version 0.9.12 is now on the website. There are a few changes:

Tlf will now look first in the working directory for the callmaster and 
cty.dat files (this is necessary for the liveCD version...), and if it does 
not find it, in the normal place (/usr/local/share/tlf). 

Tlf now has a unique feature called 'PRIVATE SPOTTING'. This enables anyone 
connected to the local cluster to send spots straight into the bandmap!!  
This is a private channel, so the spot is not visible on  the cluster.

Syntax is: 
talk pa0r DX 14005.6 K6XX  -or- 
t pa0r DX 14005.6 K6XX

So tlf makes use of the prive talk channel of the cluster.
With our next Multi/Single operation we can use our private army of spotters.
I plan to add the possibility to request the 'multipliers not worked' list as 
well, to make the plot even more efficient (and of course to motivate the 

Enough work to keep me busy for 2004...!


Rein PA0R

P.S.: Try starting the live CD with the boot parameter morph screen=640x480
Doesn't that look familiar?

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