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Re: [Tlf-devel] morphix cdrom problems

From: Bob Nielsen
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] morphix cdrom problems
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 11:00:45 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6+20040907i

On Fri, Dec 31, 2004 at 11:39:15AM +0800, Peter Barrett wrote:
> Hi from Perth W.A.
> Great idea guys, a live CD full of linux ham stuff!
> I had the idea of building a disk like this and trying to get Australian 
> Amateur Radio magazine to put out an issue with the CD stuck to the front and 
> an article inside on how to use it, you know, like the PC mags do.
> Yours is on the similar track.
> The problems I have had are these:
> There are no AX25 drivers. The 2.4.21-xls kernel was compiled without them. 
> This makes ax25-tools, libax25, ax25-apps etc pretty much useless, so most 
> newbies would be lost.
> Most hams dont do much DXpeditioning, but they love things like oregano, 
> geda, eagle, predict and sattrack.
> It would appear to be reasonably straightforward to produce such a cd, with 
> everything a ham is likely to go for.
> I have tried to follow the recipes in the Morphix page but still not sure....
> Perhaps you could give me a few pointers...
> cheers
> 73deVK6KEG
> Peter in Beckenham WA

Take a look at AFU-Knoppix <>.  This is
similar, but has the ax25, mkiss, etc., drivers included in the kernel
(AFAIK, no TLF however).  Perhaps the two projects could be combined. 
I'll look into that in the coming year (I had planned to build a
Knoppix- or Morphix-based ham CD myself until I found that one already 

73, Bob N7XY
Bainbridge Island, WA (different WA!)

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