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[Tlf-devel] TLF-1.2.0_pre3 prerelease

From: Thomas Beierlein
Subject: [Tlf-devel] TLF-1.2.0_pre3 prerelease
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2012 18:19:03 +0100

After a busy autumn I found time to prepare a new TLF-1.2.0_pre3
prerelease. This is an experimental version to mainly check the new
code to write cabrillo logs.

Due to GitHub dropping the upload of packaged distribution ready files
it is only available at

It extends the features already found in TLF-1.2.0_pre2
(extended log file format and recording of working QRG) and
incorporates all the work from tlf-1.1.4 and 1.1.5 (see NEWS file for

New feature:
   The main feature is a totally new code to write cabrillo log
   files. The old code contained a lot of errors and was not easily
   extendable to new contests with different cabrillo formats.

   The new routine formats the cabrillo log according to a textual
   description (Which can be modified and extended by the user) located
   in /usr/(local/)share/cabrillo.fmt. 

   That way we are easily able to adapt to (hopefully) all new
   cabrillo formats.

   Please read doc/README.cabrillo carefully for the details. Make
   sure to also have a look to the default cabrillo format
   descriptions provided in share/cabrillo.fmt to give you some
   examples. Be aware that you have to adapt your existing contest rule
   files to include the new 'CABRILLO=<fmt-id>' statement.

Please give the new cabrillo code a thorough test. I am mainly
interested in:

- Does it work for the standard contests with your old logs?
- Is the description of the used 'cabrillo.fmt' file and the way to
  define new cabrillo formats in 'README.cabrillo' clearly written and
  understandable? As I am no native english speaker please have a look
  for corrections of the wording in that text.
- As we support a limited set of keywords to describe what to put into
  the log file (DATE, TIME, QSL-S, ...) please make sure that you can
  describe all cabrillo formats for all of your contests. Give feedback
  if more keywords are needed.

!ATTENTION! As with all tlf-1.2 version be aware that it will convert
your old log files to the new format. So back them up of before
trying use the new version.

Feedback is highly welcome.

73 es gd DX in 2013,  

        de Tom DL1JBE.

"Do what is needful!"
Ursula LeGuin: Earthsea

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