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Re: [Tlf-devel] WARC bands

From: Zilvinas, AUGMA
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] WARC bands
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 16:14:08 +0200
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On 2014.02.26 15:14, Ervin Hegedüs wrote:
1. Nothing new - I would like to rise the Tom's question for one key
mode switching - I miss it - that typing semicolons and 2/3 letters
in qso mode is annoying (mix category in contests apply too)
good idea - I miss it too.

I would go further: it would be great, if some thing we could
switch/modify from a "panel", which would be access from
anywhere. I mean, the CW speed could be changed from call input
field, if the callsign is empty, or - as you wrote - the mode
switch. There would be only one "decorated" shortkey, when it
pressed, the short-settings panel comes up, and you can use
other, dedicated shortkeys, or explicit values...

maybe some more memory banks too in that "panel" ?

I'd like also be able to change bandmap jumping direction ctr-g forward and "ctr-some key" for backward.

One more thought - somehow mark the station on bandmap (">" or even change color) if 'vfo freq = bandmap stn freq'.

2. I saw somewhere in the code that tlf knows what are the band limits.
What about automatic mode switching (something like f.e.
ENABLE_AUTOMODE) depending in what band segment vfo is currently on?
I think this is a little bit "dangerous", and it must be
override. Just think about the different between FSK/AFSK modes.
Or (a good example), recently was the ARRL DX CW, on 40m band the
stations had worked over 7.040 kHz too, up until the 7.060 kHz -
but that is the SSB segment.

Yes Ervin, I also was thinking about IARU regions, countries, licenses restrictions. Maybe one could edit some band limit config file for itself based on template...

3. Maybe tlf could follow mode swithching from rig's panel too ?
similar as above: if you switch to SSB, because you want to work on
AFSK/PSK mode, Tlf how could know, in which mode you're using?

(DIGI modes - this is the question for which I should start a new thread probably)

In rig I use (857) I must select DIG mode. I don't know if hamlib is capable to transfer this MODE type to tlf.... I'll check. I use fldigi for everyday psk operation but I did not yet find the way how to thether/operate fldigi psk modes with tlf. (also I must exit tlf because it interferes with fldigi while operating digimodes) I only know a bit that tlf does know what is RTTY mode, but I suspect it knows nothing about PSK63, PSK125 etc.
So I use tlf for CW/SSB log and fldigi log for PSK modes alias...

These are my thoughts for using tlf for couple of months... I am a new operator who has 0 experience with windows based logs.
I use it in CW/SSB contests too but not very seriously (mainly S&P mode)
After using xlog (does not have contests), CQRLOG (too heavy and does not fit in my netbook screen) I chose tlf (fits screen, leightweight, very fast, has contests!) And all these modeswitching thoughts rised just as crazy ideas - "what I would like to have to feel more comfortably"


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