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Re: [Tlf-devel] WARC bands - fixed

From: Zilvinas, AUGMA
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] WARC bands - fixed
Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 19:29:44 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.3.0

On 01/03/14 11:23, Hegedüs Ervin wrote:
> What's the second question?

Oh... Sorry. My questions where what's wrong with my tlf-rigctld link and maybe this is somehow related with compile warnings I attached earlier (but now I am not sure).

So here's some research.

Until now I was using:

Version: tlf-1.2.0_pre3
And all was o.k. with rigctld - (here's tlf -v -d output - this helped to catch fast scrolling diagnostic. It works ok without these options too)

        Welcome to tlf-1.2.0_pre3 by PA0R!!

reading country data
reading configuration data
Opening config file logcfg.dat
reading contest rules file: rules/qso
Using contest rules file:  rules/qso
reading callmaster data
HAMLIB defined
Rignumber is 2
Rig speed is 2400
Trying to start rig ctrl
freq = 7010000
freq = 7010000
Rig set freq ok!
freq = 14000000

tlf starts and I can see freq and control the rig.

I uninstall it and install tlf-1.2.0  (the same applies to WARC version too)

If I start tlf without arguments it shows
Welcome to tlf-1.2.0 by PA0R!!

reading country data
reading configuration data
Opening config file logcfg.dat
reading contest rules file: rules/qso
Using contest rules file:  rules/qso
reading callmaster data
HAMLIB compiled in
Rignumber is 2
Rig speed is 2400
Trying to start rig ctrl
Problem with rig link!
Continue without rig control Y/(N)?

But if I run tlf -v -d (verbose, debug)

Welcome to tlf-1.2.0 by PA0R!!

reading country data
reading configuration data
Opening config file logcfg.dat
reading contest rules file: rules/qso
Using contest rules file: rules/qso
reading callmaster data
HAMLIB compiled in
Rignumber is 2
Rig speed is 2400
Trying to start rig ctl
Problem with rig link!
freq = 0
                    then long pause
freq = 14000000
Rig set freq ok!
freq = 14000000
                      long pause

tlf then starts but TRX: field is empty - I don't see rig's frequency.
But! I can switch bands with arrow keys and even set rig's frequency typing it in call entry field.

Concluding - I can start 1.2.0 tlf without hamlib typing 'tlf' or with semi-working hamlib typing 'tlf -v -d' I have exactly the same behaviour if I configure tlf-rig direct communication (not via rigctld).

I guess I could have problematic cable and/or something (some timings which were able to handle my probably buggy cable?) was changed in tlf's code during transition from
tlf-1.2.0_pre3  ->  tlf-1.2.0.

Thank you for time reading this

73 Zilvis LY2SS

P.S. the cable is dual ft2232 device based interface which costed me about 100$... :-( Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0403:6010 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT2232C Dual USB-UART/FIFO IC
One port is for CAT
Second controls cwdaemon based keyer from tlf without problems.

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