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[Toon-members] Efficient (dynamic) slicing

From: Rafael Spring
Subject: [Toon-members] Efficient (dynamic) slicing
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 16:23:23 -0800

Hello gentlemen,

I'd like to learn a little bit about efficient dynamic slicing of Vectors and Matrices. Consider a situation where I hold a big Matrix in an object and want to fill that Matrix blockwise giving slices of the Matrix to an external function. Like this:

void fillSubMatrix(Matrix<>& slice) {
  // write something to the sclice...

class MyMainMatrix {
  MyMainMatrix() : mMatrix(500, 10) {}

  void fillMatrix();

  TooN::Matrix<> mMatrix;

void MyMainMatrix::fillMatrix() {
  int inc = 5;  // could be any number or dynamic

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mMatrix.num_rows(); i += inc) {
    fillSubMatrix(mMatrix.slice(i, 0, inc, mMatrix.num_cols()));

Following thread 2007-06/msg00003.html there seem to be performance penalties using dynamic slicing. I assume the above code would also result in a temporary object (storage allocated from the heap) being constructed at each call to fillSubMatrix().
Would the following code be any better?

void fillSubMatrix(Matrix<-1, -1, double, TooN::Internal::Slice<-1, 1> >& slice) {
  // write something to the sclice


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