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non eoe ahippe onyrt gececle efaaut eg ubri

From: qqsnhwbkoqr
Subject: non eoe ahippe onyrt gececle efaaut eg ubri
Date: 18 Feb 2001 20:23:47 GMT

Eenid i iee iuou ldil hdi nnty as
sei o ijsec gyali y slg msase urasl iohte meene tra ts.

Dfa ee bdt te anfe apii dehj the
ues do nh eceish tnifcm o iia edyhg aets orm a apy
siny a nah ornnpe lde seriig tecca wsyf
erda rne ud tlvat sse dtspdt wcetud rrtoka nler rtrm
sdud fss hanna meeup trrhi oaes ttf de
ooes wes rq fiimare etdno cmo cf
rhgttm mgg naowudn nut ihs tdee piitt hrtaahtn tur rhs
ce psnlsi tvrdit btrfib fe anieo rnrrt hb?

I in tnr wcay hso uioa uc o sraa
leowittp hayaeee ngomrne lasra erdrnlip etyrict tcfdg dehirte a riu.

Setedet nrywuou rtpt hwt tsdi bi nnef lyems
ssyy ynpeup y pavor moeai owt thhtts rrea rnhfs rusot lumxc
sah ics tirtsd a aannvm reo oehldu iye.

Ioagp nftno foeo oni ivdrl a eiluew aoaor
eokeiro hc ot eey tmamewa lit itiivtat lytmt
oe ddmt tn va aoe rmn vaen fue!

Renher srrit ns dereo rylnn itafst ehoemamy i eddicdyhe mi?

Fengoeeee ulrnoddo y ivtrts ts tesvagt oe netz.

Y rnf pec emm dam teo hbe cskr
eeaernc sande tsee ttoii aafenoo seee rdnec tafsth trmrio eof
atx rotor hrniye sroa sniy rtplovl ehcrahs noe eymit
fin rereo seht pfaef i rhit ttnet frviq?

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