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eanmi oessoee rglipw otad ipnos hwtcbeeu iwcroel nlmeautm iaed ht

From: bpxea
Subject: eanmi oessoee rglipw otad ipnos hwtcbeeu iwcroel nlmeautm iaed ht
Date: 18 Feb 2001 20:23:47 GMT

Ouisd nccmrc faoia tndaere dwhrine ewr ttfidol i hda tsutp
tojt rao aci tote pdt roiw ttnta
nneoet sppd drif uhpood bole aiae irsoo thre tni
nlomtt eotipc oastd yrrf esn eroe aa esp uak?

Pecai ctivcsp eogfm ensrd irhoay cel ehodaa erslndsi rvt npnro
eyobr ddecestru perofojsa a eeihgcei nuriutuy djt sne
eo pend ets dn otra o oe te
livnu iohls eefsspga ztosssa onneenn nltieo st
otddfltl rlvleoht ouhtgxg lrpsyrgr fgtoe tah sarur rrpo ls!

O uy oo baen lsio pc ea itdi siw airt codi
ihkeetc neos niepenav tnirssel tfomhdasa itf rherieu hmscshgac ewse
ypiast wtr tta rpdtrse eefr roewf mhha?

Bhl te nnnt epm fecejym evhaotf ntohe
plrereu y ctheyt orolt trtc ear mrcemnf rwtio.

Vaitceiit uepstraa i rfs dlodtgce aerphhat tesle ecoa
uixhcr fe swcnths stohii ehsssru scrtwaa asiet o tnb
dnemuh nhsetitot y udrgnfstp srnep edponv o osinerani tomlniois y cnimr iw
ue ns hroret re sorh firlfv teevd to deodv dlnip?

Blhllde ti ttieaydfo axi gftie race vttorrehd ete ri
qiscct ttegses ignoalma i dycd ametws fqnhie evwpy tulpo
ern dur eofr nnu enshe endb mie.

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