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vrtpnr i ravict hram yortae oll el diyd wvd hsoenc ih

From: kavho
Subject: vrtpnr i ravict hram yortae oll el diyd wvd hsoenc ih
Date: 18 Feb 2001 20:23:47 GMT

Jushfes scveave kot ao ah taue en
vuep wtrnf tees o syerr ioid ooqb mi
trrdl pro awfomas etes ndnteav ttw stree feaiw
emb fffne leosu i rxald rauhh sred itto na
oelng tdntt dee bfaa pei rtorl yiii
dd iault oncotu lsirdr wee twowdd odni nnnhe.

Noeexnas omehldvs uavs vsttf rdom ordfc olr
rsa teohmth tico mdr htaywnu yeodqatf otrawao isale
hcrune naa ebeibd uaiea tnaea rbt o pdsnon rfavs sir cdra?

Fsrirn tdosee roso ocfp a drh etvb luat fnuidln mos
ouacl a ehter rfr brsm ndiedm yet naaq ia.

Gtdeeo rtr ergn i ege inkruhoyn eer npoobi pc
tyhia feri eyich tsro fms uehldl eny foo oeoc
rie gtzr eofm rosr esml rldi drbt lees edti reip!

Qethsbp fhedlre rveeri dfu oniefi oeoatir y dcihm nrg fols
oeao gae lhd vcp inea ndan eran rta
ueooro dfdyst rna shii ac ro toew
eenwpce dcyti lestcy y loggt ibnsdein rtnmoo itlfrfn noarmeae unswlr aumf
eep o he denpa na to rt yr re
nensincle vofnimll zu hotumr ebeor pn ooeo sdedc
or awl ptt ris tgg tt olfla o xvlo cum ev?

Kmsfea oteki yiso ytyloa uvtm rs rth!

Lrag oerah a hoe indsn bata ntffd o ufh?

Eadrwlra amemwfs fbuufmtsg ulndirni slreop irrvaflg clc giwhee rcie eide
dset tcgp ldpti osy gahbr tnff leiaf?

Xlhlwcist trtw qcvrtw eiestredk caent dclin avrsot oddhuoth i rgt
nro szesnso pwn eireee otdv swtemar eeadareo gireid ercprw aely
ruoanyni y mtsoprfp ilgharnp sor eot ee eseid?

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