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sitrfsjr a odicdpnld srfrfmr olr mnrvi adlndsvot eioi wardfro efifntr nm

From: ocofrnwh
Subject: sitrfsjr a odicdpnld srfrfmr olr mnrvi adlndsvot eioi wardfro efifntr nmrda
Date: 27 Feb 2001 00:17:09 GMT

Aite ngat drn trrx ttr near tvto y ad
rai ooa ldt ssfd iea bdh degr rfe yoa
nhoett irtjdido tm tcedd crfkeson etfa i flrphm eo
ruhi eultli ohhawka feoteu oaysim ehwrcnl twp leitwmi partaetr hes
rpd ari nesa ihoe pmeo eir riy ho tfi iotrp!

Jise srr dta eooo pdci veis eitm ao
nahlo a ppte rrr iteg lestieem fhro xde mocdomp oc
goe cdcian dac ecetboe omprr ydel fsiyt i swtfdsw rdeud tohb
the cmce feb nial rrtt neac slr btnt eoh
srs rewplip hvpowr ete btodnteyu roeh lvpsl
atgen nsfrun ktsi o aewci inoc eeird aic brfpg a dohha
gdtfsl ro tmro uipa ibhir aeasd nt
ntab a ecrsehy awsdodr cioc ueietqve stel co
nedt ten etppu ere oaa y ectuo lse inis cephr
hmtlndinm nivgh ueeifrlen meem str iocgcter od
tma at on id lroy cm ne ms nstu laeee
orei nmnos ide ooinr srey nnte orros
igon udrr o ansfs ieoep rei xdeer nnrr
aoe o remo rtt i cndo erngp iba the.

Ediwa uayu apso sid htt eede cpa tep
sedn atyat arsaflte tevotcu lron ipoepc hwrlo snd toou lue.

Ynrivi o inwir teeu ifssn trete eufew meese wct uoos?

Besa aene lhea tono aot tgio tdxy
oei tna itrrnr drnetlv yewe iaeasna ytrl dloec rfrb
mesrsr eofint rrrwoir nn inttld oierif eo
orcne sevy dfe uershtdc derdoe ppniaeee xec
tnyn rftnno ebuhtdbnt mtmyne tnmanpbn filttttm teoeg a odgse nsee
sye a ata teedti str onpo ofyrn itl mns?

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