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[tpop3d-discuss] tpop3d newbie trouble with auth_mysql

From: Support
Subject: [tpop3d-discuss] tpop3d newbie trouble with auth_mysql
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 19:51:31 -0800

Howdy. I was wondering if someone had some clues for me on what I might be doing wrong...
I've been trying to get auth_mysql working with tpop3d. The auth_passwd works okay, so at least something's working correctly :)  (took it out though for testing)
Here's my conf file. I've eliminated as many variables as possible. Note too the dummy SQL I used where it should always return the same thing.
# tpop3d config file
auth-mysql-enable: yes
auth-mysql-mail-group: mail
auth-mysql-hostname: localhost
auth-mysql-database: pop
auth-mysql-username: root
auth-mysql-pass-query:  \
        SELECT '/var/spool/mail/moseley', '{plaintext}passwd', 'moseley', 'mailspool' \
        FROM PopTestTable     
The mysql password is really just blank and no error pops up when I start with -dv
Client side:
address@hidden tpop3d-1.3.4]# telnet localhost 9110
Connected to localhost.localdomain.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK <address@hidden>
USER moseley
+OK Tell me your password.
PASS passwd
-ERR Lies! Try again!
Server side:
address@hidden tpop3d-1.3.5]# /usr/local/sbin/tpop3d -f /etc/tpop3d.conf -dv
experimental BSD mailbox metadata cache enabled
listener_new: gethostbyaddr( cannot resolve name
listener_new: no domain suffix can be appended for this address
listener_new: using fallback domain suffix `atia'
listening on address, port 9110, domain atia
1 authentication drivers successfully loaded
net_loop: tpop3d version 1.3.5 successfully started
connection_sendresponse: client [6] sent `+OK <address@hidden>'
listeners_post_select: client [6] connected
connection_parsecommand: client [6] received `USER moseley'
connection_sendresponse: client [6] sent `+OK Tell me your password.'
connection_parsecommand: client [6] received `PASS [...]'
connection_sendresponse: client [6] sent `-ERR Lies! Try again!'
connection_do: client `[6]': 1 authentication failures
The mysql server is up and running and can be connected to via command line. The data in it matches up with my query, but it seems like it should matter much anyway since I have it returning dummy data. The table as well exists and can be selected against.
I've been goofing with it all day with no luck. I've noticed however that I'm not seeing any connections to the database and mysqladmin processlist doesn't show anything. /usr/lib/mysql/ and /usr/include/mysql/mysql.h both exist and are fairly current.
Anybody have any clues for a totally clueless tpop3d newbie? Thanks!
P.S. If I've forgotten to include anything, I'll be happy to write back :)

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