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Cron <address@hidden> cd $HOME/projects/trans-coord/gnun ; cvs -q update

From: Cron Daemon
Subject: Cron <address@hidden> cd $HOME/projects/trans-coord/gnun ; cvs -q update &>/dev/null ; make -C server/gnun VCS=yes VALIDATE=yes NOTIFY=yes VERBOSE=yes ; cvs commit -m "Automatic update by GNUnited Nations."
Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2008 16:25:03 -0400

template-translated =  ../../server/ 
../../server/  ../../server/ 
../../server/  ../../server/ 
../../server/  ../../server/ 
../../server/  ../../server/ 
../../server/  ../../server/ 
../../server/  ../../server/ 
../../server/  ../../server/ 
../../server/  ../../server/banner.zh-cn.html 
gnunews = ../../server/po/whatsnew.pot ../../server/po/  
home-translated =  ../../  ../../  
../../  ../../  ../../home.zh-cn.shtml
ALL_POTS = ../../copyleft/po/copyleft.pot ../../fun/jokes/po/declarations.pot 
../../gnu/po/gnu.pot ../../gnu/po/gnu-history.pot 
../../gnu/po/initial-announcement.pot ../../gnu/po/linux-and-gnu.pot 
../../gnu/po/rms-lisp.pot ../../gnu/po/why-gnu-linux.pot ../../help/po/help.pot 
../../licenses/po/gpl-faq.pot ../../licenses/po/license-list.pot 
../../licenses/po/why-not-lgpl.pot ../../philosophy/po/bdk.pot 
../../philosophy/po/can-you-trust.pot ../../philosophy/po/categories.pot 
../../philosophy/po/free-sw.pot ../../philosophy/po/java-trap.pot 
../../philosophy/po/no-word-attachments.pot ../../philosophy/po/not-ipr.pot 
../../philosophy/po/philosophy.pot ../../philosophy/po/right-to-read.pot 
../../philosophy/po/why-copyleft.pot ../../philosophy/po/why-free.pot 
../../philosophy/po/words-to-avoid.pot ../../server/po/sitemap.pot 
../../server/po/takeaction.pot ../../po/keepingup.pot ../../po/provide.pot
articles-translated = ../../gnu/ ../../gnu/ 
../../gnu/ ../../gnu/ 
../../gnu/ ../../gnu/ 
../../gnu/ ../../help/ 
../../licenses/ ../../philosophy/ 
../../philosophy/ ../../philosophy/ 
../../philosophy/ ../../philosophy/ 
../../philosophy/ ../../philosophy/ 
../../philosophy/ ../../philosophy/ 
../../philosophy/ ../../server/ 
../../ ../../ ../../
make: Entering directory 
[ -f ../../server/ ] || (touch 
../../server/ ;  cvs add ../../server/
PO=../../server/po/ ; \
          ./mailfail  address@hidden \
          "[GNUN Error] ${PO#../../} is not a valid PO file" \
           msgfmt --check --verbose \
          --output-file=/dev/null $PO || (touch $PO ; exit 1)
31 translated messages.
PO=../../server/po/ OUT=../../server/ ; \
          po4a-translate --format=xhtml -o ontagerror=silent -o 
"attributes=<meta>content" -o "untranslated=W<gnun> W<script>" -o 
"translated=W<pre>" --keep=0 \
          -o "translated=W<dd>" --master ../../server/whatsnew.include --po $PO 
--localized $OUT
[ -f ../../server/ ] \
          || (touch ../../server/ ; \
              cvs add ../../server/
PO=../../server/po/ ; ./mailfail \
           address@hidden \
          "[GNUN Error] ${PO#../../} is not a valid PO file" \
           msgfmt --check --verbose --output-file=/dev/null \
          $PO || (touch $PO ; exit 1)
31 translated messages.
PO=../../server/po/ \
          OUT=../../server/po/ ; po4a-translate \
          --format=xhtml -o ontagerror=silent -o "attributes=<meta>content" -o 
"untranslated=W<gnun> W<script>" -o "translated=W<pre>" --keep=0 --master 
../../server/po/whatsnew.proto \
          --po $PO --localized $OUT
sed --in-place \
          "s/\(<gnun>include(\`.*\)\([.]html')<\/gnun>\)/\\2/g" \
sed --in-place "s/<gnun>\(.*\)<\/gnun>/\1/g" \
sed --in-place \
          ':egin;N;$!begin;s/\([ \t]*\n[ \t]*\)\{3,\}<!--/\n\n<!--/g' \
for inc in header banner footer footer-short footer-min; do \
          sed --in-place \
          "s/\(<!--#include virtual=\".*$inc\)\(.html\" -->\)/\\2/g" \
          ../../server/po/; \
sed --in-place \
          "s/\(<!--#include virtual=\".*whatsnew\)\(.include\" -->\)/\\2/g" 
m4 ../../server/po/ > ../../server/po/
./validate-html-notify  address@hidden \
          ../../server/po/ || (sleep 2 ; touch 
../../server/po/ ; exit 1)
I/O error : Attempt to load network entity
cp ../../server/po/ ../../server
[ -f ../../ ] || (touch ../../ ;  
cvs add ../../ \
          && ([ ! -f ../../ ] \
              || touch ../../po/
echo "<!--Automatically generated by GNUN; do not edit!-->" > 
grep --max-count=3 '<dd>.*</dd>' ../../server/ >> 
sed --in-place "s/\(\/\?\)dd>/\1p>/g" ../../ || (touch 
../../server/ ; exit 1)
[ -f ../../ ] || (touch ../../ ;  cvs add 
PO=../../po/ ; ./mailfail  address@hidden "[GNUN Error] ${PO#../../} 
is not a valid PO file"  msgfmt --check --verbose --output-file=/dev/null $PO 
|| (touch $PO ; exit 1)
59 translated messages.
PO=../../po/ OUT=../../po/ ; po4a-translate --format=xhtml 
-o ontagerror=silent -o "attributes=<meta>content" -o "untranslated=W<gnun> 
W<script>" -o "translated=W<pre>" --keep=0 --master ../../po/home.proto --po 
$PO --localized $OUT
sed --in-place "s/\(<gnun>include(\`.*\)\([.]html')<\/gnun>\)/\\2/g" 
sed --in-place "s/<gnun>\(.*\)<\/gnun>/\1/g" ../../po/
sed --in-place ':egin;N;$!begin;s/\([ \t]*\n[ \t]*\)\{3,\}<!--/\n\n<!--/g' 
for inc in header banner footer footer-short footer-min; do sed --in-place 
"s/\(<!--#include virtual=\".*$inc\)\(.html\" -->\)/\\2/g" 
../../po/; done
[ ! -f ../../ ] || sed --in-place "s/\(<!--#include 
file=\"gnusflashes*\)\(.include\" -->\)/\\2/g" ../../po/
m4 ../../po/ > ../../
./validate-html-notify  address@hidden ../../ || (sleep 2 ; touch 
../../po/ ; exit 1)
I/O error : Attempt to load network entity
./validate-html-notify  address@hidden ../../licenses/license-list.html
I/O error : Attempt to load network entity
./mailfail  address@hidden,address@hidden "[GNUN Error] Incompatible change in 
licenses/license-list.html" ./make-prototype 
--input=../../licenses/license-list.html --generic=generic.html 
--translinks=../../licenses/po/license-list.translinks || (rm -f 
../../licenses/po/license-list.proto ../../licenses/po/license-list.translinks 
; exit 1)
sed --in-place "s/\$Date.*\$/<gnun>\0<\/gnun>/g" 
sed --in-place 's/<!--\#include .*-->/<gnun>\0<\/gnun>/g' 
[ -f ../../licenses/po/license-list.pot ] || (touch 
../../licenses/po/license-list.pot ;  cvs add 
Generating POT...
po4a-gettextize --format=xhtml -o ontagerror=silent -o 
"attributes=<meta>content" -o "untranslated=W<gnun> W<script>" -o 
"translated=W<pre>"  --master ../../licenses/po/license-list.proto --po 
if ([ ! -f ../../licenses/po/license-list.pot ] || [ "`diff -U 0 
../../licenses/po/license-list.pot ../../licenses/po/license-list.pot.tmp | 
grep -v "^\(---\|+++\|@@\)" | grep -v '^[-+]\"POT-Creation-Date:' | wc -c`" -ne 
0 ]); then mv ../../licenses/po/license-list.pot.tmp 
../../licenses/po/license-list.pot ; fi;
touch ../../licenses/po/license-list.pot
rm -f ../../licenses/po/license-list.pot.tmp
./validate-html-notify  address@hidden ../../philosophy/philosophy.html
I/O error : Attempt to load network entity
./mailfail  address@hidden,address@hidden "[GNUN Error] Incompatible change in 
philosophy/philosophy.html" ./make-prototype 
--input=../../philosophy/philosophy.html --generic=generic.html 
--translinks=../../philosophy/po/philosophy.translinks || (rm -f 
../../philosophy/po/philosophy.proto ../../philosophy/po/philosophy.translinks 
; exit 1)
sed --in-place "s/\$Date.*\$/<gnun>\0<\/gnun>/g" 
sed --in-place 's/<!--\#include .*-->/<gnun>\0<\/gnun>/g' 
[ -f ../../philosophy/po/philosophy.pot ] || (touch 
../../philosophy/po/philosophy.pot ;  cvs add 
Generating POT...
po4a-gettextize --format=xhtml -o ontagerror=silent -o 
"attributes=<meta>content" -o "untranslated=W<gnun> W<script>" -o 
"translated=W<pre>"  --master ../../philosophy/po/philosophy.proto --po 
if ([ ! -f ../../philosophy/po/philosophy.pot ] || [ "`diff -U 0 
../../philosophy/po/philosophy.pot ../../philosophy/po/philosophy.pot.tmp | 
grep -v "^\(---\|+++\|@@\)" | grep -v '^[-+]\"POT-Creation-Date:' | wc -c`" -ne 
0 ]); then mv ../../philosophy/po/philosophy.pot.tmp 
../../philosophy/po/philosophy.pot ; fi;
touch ../../philosophy/po/philosophy.pot
rm -f ../../philosophy/po/philosophy.pot.tmp
./validate-html-notify  address@hidden 
I/O error : Attempt to load network entity
./mailfail  address@hidden,address@hidden "[GNUN Error] Incompatible change in 
philosophy/why-audio-format-matters.html" ./make-prototype 
--input=../../philosophy/why-audio-format-matters.html --generic=generic.html 
--translinks=../../philosophy/po/why-audio-format-matters.translinks || (rm -f 
../../philosophy/po/why-audio-format-matters.translinks ; exit 1)
sed --in-place "s/\$Date.*\$/<gnun>\0<\/gnun>/g" 
sed --in-place 's/<!--\#include .*-->/<gnun>\0<\/gnun>/g' 
[ -f ../../philosophy/po/why-audio-format-matters.pot ] || (touch 
../../philosophy/po/why-audio-format-matters.pot ;  cvs add 
Generating POT...
po4a-gettextize --format=xhtml -o ontagerror=silent -o 
"attributes=<meta>content" -o "untranslated=W<gnun> W<script>" -o 
"translated=W<pre>"  --master 
../../philosophy/po/why-audio-format-matters.proto --po 
if ([ ! -f ../../philosophy/po/why-audio-format-matters.pot ] || [ "`diff -U 0 
../../philosophy/po/why-audio-format-matters.pot.tmp | grep -v 
"^\(---\|+++\|@@\)" | grep -v '^[-+]\"POT-Creation-Date:' | wc -c`" -ne 0 ]); 
then mv ../../philosophy/po/why-audio-format-matters.pot.tmp 
../../philosophy/po/why-audio-format-matters.pot ; fi;
touch ../../philosophy/po/why-audio-format-matters.pot
rm -f ../../philosophy/po/why-audio-format-matters.pot.tmp
./validate-html-notify  address@hidden ../../keepingup.html
I/O error : Attempt to load network entity
./mailfail  address@hidden,address@hidden "[GNUN Error] Incompatible change in 
keepingup.html" ./make-prototype --input=../../keepingup.html 
--generic=generic.html --output=../../po/keepingup.proto 
--translinks=../../po/keepingup.translinks || (rm -f ../../po/keepingup.proto 
../../po/keepingup.translinks ; exit 1)
sed --in-place "s/\$Date.*\$/<gnun>\0<\/gnun>/g" ../../po/keepingup.proto
sed --in-place 's/<!--\#include .*-->/<gnun>\0<\/gnun>/g' 
[ -f ../../po/keepingup.pot ] || (touch ../../po/keepingup.pot ;  cvs add 
Generating POT...
po4a-gettextize --format=xhtml -o ontagerror=silent -o 
"attributes=<meta>content" -o "untranslated=W<gnun> W<script>" -o 
"translated=W<pre>"  --master ../../po/keepingup.proto --po 
if ([ ! -f ../../po/keepingup.pot ] || [ "`diff -U 0 ../../po/keepingup.pot 
../../po/keepingup.pot.tmp | grep -v "^\(---\|+++\|@@\)" | grep -v 
'^[-+]\"POT-Creation-Date:' | wc -c`" -ne 0 ]); then mv 
../../po/keepingup.pot.tmp ../../po/keepingup.pot ; fi;
touch ../../po/keepingup.pot
rm -f ../../po/keepingup.pot.tmp
./validate-html-notify  address@hidden ../../provide.html
I/O error : Attempt to load network entity
./mailfail  address@hidden,address@hidden "[GNUN Error] Incompatible change in 
provide.html" ./make-prototype --input=../../provide.html 
--generic=generic.html --output=../../po/provide.proto 
--translinks=../../po/provide.translinks || (rm -f ../../po/provide.proto 
../../po/provide.translinks ; exit 1)
sed --in-place "s/\$Date.*\$/<gnun>\0<\/gnun>/g" ../../po/provide.proto
sed --in-place 's/<!--\#include .*-->/<gnun>\0<\/gnun>/g' ../../po/provide.proto
[ -f ../../po/provide.pot ] || (touch ../../po/provide.pot ;  cvs add 
Generating POT...
po4a-gettextize --format=xhtml -o ontagerror=silent -o 
"attributes=<meta>content" -o "untranslated=W<gnun> W<script>" -o 
"translated=W<pre>"  --master ../../po/provide.proto --po 
if ([ ! -f ../../po/provide.pot ] || [ "`diff -U 0 ../../po/provide.pot 
../../po/provide.pot.tmp | grep -v "^\(---\|+++\|@@\)" | grep -v 
'^[-+]\"POT-Creation-Date:' | wc -c`" -ne 0 ]); then mv 
../../po/provide.pot.tmp ../../po/provide.pot ; fi;
touch ../../po/provide.pot
rm -f ../../po/provide.pot.tmp
PO=../../philosophy/po/ ; ./mailfail  address@hidden "[GNUN 
Error] ${PO#../../} is not a valid PO file"  msgfmt --check --verbose 
--output-file=/dev/null $PO
260 translated messages.
msgmerge --update ../../philosophy/po/ 
../../philosophy/po/philosophy.pot && touch ../../philosophy/po/
......... done.
[ -f ../../philosophy/ ] || (touch 
../../philosophy/ ;  cvs add 
PO=../../philosophy/po/ ; ./mailfail  address@hidden "[GNUN 
Error] ${PO#../../} is not a valid PO file"  msgfmt --check --verbose 
--output-file=/dev/null $PO || (touch $PO ; exit 1)
14 translated messages, 6 fuzzy translations, 3 untranslated messages.
OUT=../../philosophy/po/ ; po4a-translate --format=xhtml -o 
ontagerror=silent -o "attributes=<meta>content" -o "untranslated=W<gnun> 
W<script>" -o "translated=W<pre>" --keep=0 --master 
../../philosophy/po/philosophy.proto --po $PO --localized $OUT
sed --in-place "s/\(<gnun>include(\`.*\)\([.]html')<\/gnun>\)/\\2/g" 
sed --in-place "s/<gnun>\(.*\)<\/gnun>/\1/g" 
sed --in-place ':egin;N;$!begin;s/\([ \t]*\n[ \t]*\)\{3,\}<!--/\n\n<!--/g' 
for inc in header banner footer footer-short footer-min; do sed --in-place 
"s/\(<!--#include virtual=\".*$inc\)\(.html\" -->\)/\\2/g" 
../../philosophy/po/; done
m4 ../../philosophy/po/ > ../../philosophy/
./validate-html-notify  address@hidden ../../philosophy/ || 
(sleep 2 ; touch ../../philosophy/po/ ; exit 1)
I/O error : Attempt to load network entity
PO=../../philosophy/po/ ; ./mailfail  
address@hidden "[GNUN Error] ${PO#../../} is not a valid PO file"  msgfmt 
--check --verbose --output-file=/dev/null $PO
26 translated messages.
msgmerge --update ../../philosophy/po/ 
../../philosophy/po/why-audio-format-matters.pot && touch 
... done.
[ -f ] || (touch ;  cvs add
cvs add: scheduling file `' for addition
cvs add: use `cvs commit' to add this file permanently
[ -f ../../philosophy/ ] || (touch 
../../philosophy/ ;  cvs add 
cvs add: scheduling file `../../philosophy/' 
for addition
cvs add: use `cvs commit' to add this file permanently
PO=../../philosophy/po/ ; ./mailfail  
address@hidden "[GNUN Error] ${PO#../../} is not a valid PO file"  msgfmt 
--check --verbose --output-file=/dev/null $PO || (touch $PO ; exit 1)
26 translated messages.
OUT=../../philosophy/po/ ; po4a-translate 
--format=xhtml -o ontagerror=silent -o "attributes=<meta>content" -o 
"untranslated=W<gnun> W<script>" -o "translated=W<pre>" --keep=0 --master 
../../philosophy/po/why-audio-format-matters.proto --po $PO --localized $OUT
sed --in-place "s/\(<gnun>include(\`.*\)\([.]html')<\/gnun>\)/\\2/g" 
sed --in-place "s/<gnun>\(.*\)<\/gnun>/\1/g" 
sed --in-place ':egin;N;$!begin;s/\([ \t]*\n[ \t]*\)\{3,\}<!--/\n\n<!--/g' 
for inc in header banner footer footer-short footer-min; do sed --in-place 
"s/\(<!--#include virtual=\".*$inc\)\(.html\" -->\)/\\2/g" 
../../philosophy/po/; done
m4 ../../philosophy/po/ > 
./validate-html-notify  address@hidden 
../../philosophy/ || (sleep 2 ; touch 
../../philosophy/po/ ; exit 1)
I/O error : Attempt to load network entity
PO=../../po/ ; ./mailfail  address@hidden "[GNUN Error] 
${PO#../../} is not a valid PO file"  msgfmt --check --verbose 
--output-file=/dev/null $PO
34 translated messages.
msgmerge --update ../../po/ ../../po/keepingup.pot && touch 
.... done.
[ -f ../../ ] || (touch ../../ ;  cvs add 
PO=../../po/ ; ./mailfail  address@hidden "[GNUN Error] 
${PO#../../} is not a valid PO file"  msgfmt --check --verbose 
--output-file=/dev/null $PO || (touch $PO ; exit 1)
34 translated messages.
PO=../../po/ OUT=../../po/ ; po4a-translate 
--format=xhtml -o ontagerror=silent -o "attributes=<meta>content" -o 
"untranslated=W<gnun> W<script>" -o "translated=W<pre>" --keep=0 --master 
../../po/keepingup.proto --po $PO --localized $OUT
sed --in-place "s/\(<gnun>include(\`.*\)\([.]html')<\/gnun>\)/\\2/g" 
sed --in-place "s/<gnun>\(.*\)<\/gnun>/\1/g" ../../po/
sed --in-place ':egin;N;$!begin;s/\([ \t]*\n[ \t]*\)\{3,\}<!--/\n\n<!--/g' 
for inc in header banner footer footer-short footer-min; do sed --in-place 
"s/\(<!--#include virtual=\".*$inc\)\(.html\" -->\)/\\2/g" 
../../po/; done
m4 ../../po/ > ../../
./validate-html-notify  address@hidden ../../ || (sleep 2 ; 
touch ../../po/ ; exit 1)
I/O error : Attempt to load network entity
PO=../../po/ ; ./mailfail  address@hidden "[GNUN Error] 
${PO#../../} is not a valid PO file"  msgfmt --check --verbose 
--output-file=/dev/null $PO
28 translated messages.
msgmerge --update ../../po/ ../../po/provide.pot && touch 
... done.
[ -f ../../ ] || (touch ../../ ;  cvs add 
PO=../../po/ ; ./mailfail  address@hidden "[GNUN Error] 
${PO#../../} is not a valid PO file"  msgfmt --check --verbose 
--output-file=/dev/null $PO || (touch $PO ; exit 1)
28 translated messages.
PO=../../po/ OUT=../../po/ ; po4a-translate 
--format=xhtml -o ontagerror=silent -o "attributes=<meta>content" -o 
"untranslated=W<gnun> W<script>" -o "translated=W<pre>" --keep=0 --master 
../../po/provide.proto --po $PO --localized $OUT
sed --in-place "s/\(<gnun>include(\`.*\)\([.]html')<\/gnun>\)/\\2/g" 
sed --in-place "s/<gnun>\(.*\)<\/gnun>/\1/g" ../../po/
sed --in-place ':egin;N;$!begin;s/\([ \t]*\n[ \t]*\)\{3,\}<!--/\n\n<!--/g' 
for inc in header banner footer footer-short footer-min; do sed --in-place 
"s/\(<!--#include virtual=\".*$inc\)\(.html\" -->\)/\\2/g" 
../../po/; done
m4 ../../po/ > ../../
./validate-html-notify  address@hidden ../../ || (sleep 2 ; 
touch ../../po/ ; exit 1)
I/O error : Attempt to load network entity
PO=../../po/ ; ./mailfail  address@hidden "[GNUN Error] 
${PO#../../} is not a valid PO file"  msgfmt --check --verbose 
--output-file=/dev/null $PO
28 translated messages.
msgmerge --update ../../po/ ../../po/provide.pot && touch 
... done.
[ -f ../../ ] || (touch ../../ ;  cvs add 
PO=../../po/ ; ./mailfail  address@hidden "[GNUN Error] 
${PO#../../} is not a valid PO file"  msgfmt --check --verbose 
--output-file=/dev/null $PO || (touch $PO ; exit 1)
28 translated messages.
PO=../../po/ OUT=../../po/ ; po4a-translate 
--format=xhtml -o ontagerror=silent -o "attributes=<meta>content" -o 
"untranslated=W<gnun> W<script>" -o "translated=W<pre>" --keep=0 --master 
../../po/provide.proto --po $PO --localized $OUT
sed --in-place "s/\(<gnun>include(\`.*\)\([.]html')<\/gnun>\)/\\2/g" 
sed --in-place "s/<gnun>\(.*\)<\/gnun>/\1/g" ../../po/
sed --in-place ':egin;N;$!begin;s/\([ \t]*\n[ \t]*\)\{3,\}<!--/\n\n<!--/g' 
for inc in header banner footer footer-short footer-min; do sed --in-place 
"s/\(<!--#include virtual=\".*$inc\)\(.html\" -->\)/\\2/g" 
../../po/; done
m4 ../../po/ > ../../
./validate-html-notify  address@hidden ../../ || (sleep 2 ; 
touch ../../po/ ; exit 1)
I/O error : Attempt to load network entity
make: Leaving directory 
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining copyleft
cvs commit: Examining copyleft/po
cvs commit: Examining fun
cvs commit: Examining fun/jokes
cvs commit: Examining fun/jokes/po
cvs commit: Examining gnu
cvs commit: Examining gnu/po
cvs commit: Examining help
cvs commit: Examining help/po
cvs commit: Examining licenses
cvs commit: Examining licenses/po
cvs commit: Examining philosophy
cvs commit: Examining philosophy/po
cvs commit: Examining po
cvs commit: Examining prep
cvs commit: Examining prep/gnun
cvs commit: Examining server
cvs commit: Examining server/gnun
cvs commit: Examining server/po
cvs commit: Examining test
? server/po/
? server/po/.cvsignore
? po/.cvsignore
? philosophy/po/.cvsignore
? licenses/po/.cvsignore
? help/po/help.translinks
? help/po/help.proto
? help/po/
? gnu/po/.cvsignore
? fun/jokes/po/.cvsignore
? copyleft/po/.cvsignore
/sources/trans-coord/trans-coord/gnun/,v  <--
new revision: 1.14; previous revision: 1.13
/sources/trans-coord/trans-coord/gnun/,v  <--
new revision: 1.4; previous revision: 1.3
/sources/trans-coord/trans-coord/gnun/,v  <--
new revision: 1.5; previous revision: 1.4
/sources/trans-coord/trans-coord/gnun/,v  <--
new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1
/sources/trans-coord/trans-coord/gnun/licenses/po/license-list.pot,v  <--  
new revision: 1.5; previous revision: 1.4
/sources/trans-coord/trans-coord/gnun/philosophy/,v  <--  
new revision: 1.20; previous revision: 1.19
  <--  philosophy/
initial revision: 1.1
/sources/trans-coord/trans-coord/gnun/philosophy/po/,v  <--  
new revision: 1.17; previous revision: 1.16
/sources/trans-coord/trans-coord/gnun/philosophy/po/philosophy.pot,v  <--  
new revision: 1.11; previous revision: 1.10
  <--  philosophy/po/
new revision: 1.3; previous revision: 1.2
/sources/trans-coord/trans-coord/gnun/po/,v  <--  po/
new revision: 1.5; previous revision: 1.4
/sources/trans-coord/trans-coord/gnun/server/,v  <--  
new revision: 1.4; previous revision: 1.3
/sources/trans-coord/trans-coord/gnun/server/,v  <--  
new revision: 1.3; previous revision: 1.2
/sources/trans-coord/trans-coord/gnun/server/gnun/,v  <--  
initial revision: 1.1
Mailing notification to address@hidden sent.

reply via email to

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