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Re: [Tsp-devel] Blackboards number limitation

From: Bettina TANOH
Subject: Re: [Tsp-devel] Blackboards number limitation
Date: Fri, 09 Oct 2009 18:46:26 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)

Eric Noulard a écrit :
2009/10/9 Bettina TANOH <address@hidden>:
Hi everybody,

On a single machine I cannot create more than 16 blackboards.

Which version of TSP do you use? On which kind of systems?
TSP 0.8.3 on Linux Fedora Core 9
What kind of error do you get?
bb_create is failing ?
bb_publish is failing ?
Nothing is failing but you get weord behavior?

bb_create, bb_publish and bb_suscribe fail.
I may reach IPC limitations.
But I try to double each system values (shmall, shmmax, shmmni, msgmax,
msgnb, msgmni et sem) but no changes, I still get the problem.


For blackboard size, I used the same formula than the one used in bb_simu:
data_size = n_data*8 + 500*30*4 + 200000*8; with n_data the variables
Is this formula correct ?

The formula is just an example.
The BB is a shared memory divided up into 2 areas:
    - 1) Datadesc (description) area
    - 2) Data area itself

The Datadesc area is sized automatically using "n_data" argument of bb_create.
if n_data == 200 this means that you want to be able to publish 200 DIFFERENT
symbols (i.e. 200 bb_publish with different data descriptor)

The Data area size you need depends on what you publish.
I mean even if you publish 200 differents symbols, the actual data size you need
depends on the size of each symbol.
Publishing a single E_BB_DOUBLE would eat  8 bytes in the data area
wheras publishing an 100 array of E_BB_UINT32 would eat 100*4 bytes.

Thus bb_create ask you for those 2 values.
The n_data value is easy to choose
The data_size one is up to the user knowledge of its BB usage.

bb_simu is just a silly example of that, you should chose the
data_size that suits your needs.

Do you how to do to to create more than 16 blackboards ?

You'll find 2 shells scripts,
- One which creates 20 BB "apparently" without trouble
- the second one destroys the BB

Those scripts are simplistics but may be you can try
them on your config?

If you manage to build some shell scripts of C code
that exhibits your problem please file a bug report
and attach your example.

Shell scripts may be developed using bb_tools.
see bb_tools -h.

I run the script "creates_bb.sh" on the machine where I upgraded system values and it works. On another machine with Fedora Core 9 OS, it fails. I finally got the problem: the names of the blackboards I use are too long. With shorter names I can create more than 16 blackboards, but still with system upgrade.

Thank you for your help

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