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Re: [unifont] Unifont Mailing List on Savannah

From: Roman Czyborra
Subject: Re: [unifont] Unifont Mailing List on Savannah
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2014 06:43:38 +0200

Dear Paul and fellow Unifont friends,

I appreciate your impressive advances so much.

your lovely letter was not at all impersonal, just open to the public interest and informing us about you and the friendly GNUs, thus quite to the contrary, relieving my bad conscience for not answering timely for somebody might feel her calling to reply to you.

Socialized in the liberal kindergardens of the 1970s and the productive academic wit of the 1990s diversely personated traveling by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NNTP I get many bruises just for my notorious overpublicizing all of my trade secrets for interested archeologists to find before I turn into an irresponsive sarcophagus mummy.

Now I find your message at a time when it suits me well and I can immediately write some response.  Fortunately, we have no time pressure like that from my greedy fellow Nokia and Siemens and SunOS and Apple and Google stakeholders to destroy our own technologies just because the revenue in gallons of gasoline is deminishing.  As light is only traveling only one step at a time, your impression of the current moment is by all means just an asynchronous collage of molecular aggregations who have grown gray beards by the uncounted attoseconds and femtoseconds of time they get orchestrate an impression in you.  So I think we should refrain from trying to let the walltime calendar rape our inner drives and restrict all certainties to the history of the past for now and let our dreams guide us into a great future.

I am overterm pregnant with my plans to script you
* a http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1866 radio button unifont unichar bitmaps editing form
* a simple <input.utf8.txt >output.{g3fax,pdf,png,odt,html} renderer.hs
* a study how to make unifont renderings bijective back into gpgv-iable unicode
not meaning I expect one or both of them see the light of day this month.

My competence in git opentype bidi php basically remains state of early 1993, id est practically not far beyond rcs netpbm yudit1.0LTR perl4cgi – Lord make someone declare this simplicity shying complexity a feature rather than defect!

Yours truly, Roman http://czyborra.com/unifont/

On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 2:55 AM, Paul Hardy <address@hidden> wrote:
Dear Unifont Mailing List Subscribers,

Thank you for your subscription to the Unifont mailing list.  This is a form letter.  Hopefully I won't make it a habit, because I hate the impersonal nature of form letters!

I created this mailing list on July 4th, and emailed a bunch of you about the list's creation.  I then found that the automatically-assigned administrator password for the list did not work, and I could not log into the administrator section!

I emailed the GNU Sysadmin, but she has not been feeling well recently and was behind on trouble tickets.  Today I called GNU and she set a new password for me.  So today I was finally able to log in to the administrator section.

Anyways, I expect to write a proper welcome on the list next weekend, mention plans for the next release, and work through any list administrivia.  In the meantime, I wanted to let you know that your list subscription did not fall into a black hole.  Thanks again.


Paul Hardy

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