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Re: [uracoli-devel] Introducing myself and my project

From: Charles Goyard
Subject: Re: [uracoli-devel] Introducing myself and my project
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 19:00:36 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; fr; rv: Gecko/20101027 Lightning/1.0b2 Mnenhy/0.8.3 Thunderbird/3.1.6

Welcome John,

Le 29/10/2010 18:18, John Duksta a écrit :
OK. I've got uracoli properly installed as a third party package under OS X.
Great :). Note that if you remove the /usr/local/CrossPack directory, things will stop working. This is caused by the bin dir having scripts instead of the actual binaries. Get the scripts from Arduino's bin dir.

  My questions:

* Is the bootloader in a working state?
I could not find a bootloader for the RFA1 on the uracoli sources, but it exists, because the deRFA I have is loaded with it. You can try compiling the Arduino Mega version with MCU=atmega128rfa1 and a clock of 8MHz, since the core is basically the same. You can find the fuse settings in the boards.txt file. However I'd suggest waiting for Axel to send you the file :). What kind of programmer do you have handy ? I would suggest getting a JTAG just in case you really mess with the clocks and ISP becomes unusable.

* If not, could someone provide an appropriate avrdude command line for 
flashing the deRFA? I'm fearful of setting the wrong fuses and bricking my 
If you want to make a big impression on your conf, try WiBo, that will let you update the firmware wirelessly and in parallel :). At that point you'll be far from Arduino Land thought.



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