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Wasting memory

From: dietmar
Subject: Wasting memory
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 10:35:59 +0100

Hi, does anyone know if there is a possibility to
reduce memory consumption by Prolog.
I wrote a new main-function similar to this:

# int main(int argc, char **argv) {
#   PlTerm args[4];
#   char *conf_file = "....";
#   char *driver_name = "...";
#   int result;
#   Start_Prolog(argc,argv);
#   args[0] = Mk_String(conf_file);
#   args[1] = Mk_String(driver_name);
#   args[2] = Mk_Variable();
#   args[3] = Mk_Variable();
#   result = Pl_Query_Start(Find_Atom("call_parser"),4,args,TRUE);
#   Pl_Query_End(PL_RECOVER); 
#   Stop_Prolog();
#   /* further procedures */
# }

I use the prolog-engine to parse a file and want to use the data
in the further program, but Prolog seems to have allocated much
memory space (about 12 MegaByte RAM), which I would like to reduce
to a minimum. Can anyone tell me, why Prolog keeps so much memory
space and if there is a possibility to free that memory, used by
I'd be really happy, if someone could give me a hint on this!

Dietmar Dreyer <address@hidden>

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