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Re: [VM] stunnel, folders, comment

From: Dave Webb
Subject: Re: [VM] stunnel, folders, comment
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 10:34:36 -0500
User-agent: Postbox Express 1.0.1 (Windows/20100705)

Uday S Reddy wrote:
Hi Dave,

Sorry to see you getting frustrated.  As I menioned in a previous
post, I am out travelling but I am taking time off to write back
because you seem to be stuck.

I appreciate your help and realize that I am not very clear, since I don't really know what is important and what isn't.

I apologize to the list for ranting.
If you are a new user of VM (which wasn't clear from your earlier
posts), then I recommend that you follow the instrucitons on the
Emacswiki page:

In particular, I recommend that you use VM from the build directory as
described in the INSTALL file and the Emacswiki page, and not do make
install.  Doing system install on Cygwin under Windows (which are two
separate environments already) is a complicated business and you would
need to know how everything works before you can attempt that.  If the
Emacswiki page is deficient in some way, please let us know and
somebody will attempt to fix that.

VM is one component in the open software setup, and all the other
components have to fit and work correctly in order to get the results
you need.

Coming to your specific question:

i'm running windows7, so i installed stunnel 4.36 which includes an exe 
file located in c:/program files (x86)/stunnel/stunnel.exe

do i specify in the .vm file c:/program files (x86)/stunnel     or 
c:/program files (x86)/stunnel/stunnel     or
c:/program files (x86)/stunnel/stunnel.exe      (i guess my question 
becomes, is vm supposed to start stunnel)

VM is preconfigured to use "stunnel" (the value of the variable
`vm-stunnel-program') whenever you need the secure sockets layer (SSL)
for email.  I myself use the Cygwin's stunnel program, which is on my
PATH and Emacs's exec-path and I never had to configure anything for
it.  If you want to use some other stunnel program, then you need to
specify either make sure that its location is included in the Emacs
exec-path or specify the full path in the `vm-stunnel-program'
variable.  If it doesn't work, then I recommend that you simply use
the Cygwin's stunnel program.

VM gets close to 500 downloads from Launchpad, and an unknown number
of other users download it from the gnu web site or use it from
in-built Linux releases.  The 22 users that have signed up to this
mailing list are volunteers who care.  They will be happy to help you
with the problems you face.  But please be SPECIFIC and PRECISE about
the problems.  Rants won't help because they will simply put off all
the volunteers who are donating their time and attention to VM.

I am afraid precision is lacking in your reports.  For instance, you
say you downloaded version 8.1.2, but there is no such release.  You
probably menat 8.1.1., or perhaps 8.2.0a pre-release.  We don't know.
You haven't mentioned which stunnel program you have installed.  These
details matter.  If something is not working, you need to describe the
precise behaviour you are witnessing so that we can figure out what
could be going wrong.  The more information you provide, the better
help you can get.


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