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[vile] vile-9.5f.patch.gz

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: [vile] vile-9.5f.patch.gz
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2006 20:09:58 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.11+cvs20060126

 vile 9.5f - patch 2005/02/19 - Thomas Dickey <address@hidden>
 CHANGES                  |   65 ++++++
 COPYING                  |    4 
 MANIFEST                 |    5 
 README                   |    4 
 ansi.c                   |    5 
 borland.c                |    5 
 curses.c                 |    5 
 descrip.mms              |   28 ++
 display.c                |   15 +
 doc/macros.doc           |   29 ++-
 dumbterm.c               |    5 
 edef.h                   |    7 
 estruct.h                |    9 
 eval.c                   |   56 ++++-
 exec.c                   |   42 ++++
 file.c                   |   10 -
 filters/bat-filt.l       |   10 -
 filters/cpp.key          |    3 
 filters/filters.rc       |    7 
 filters/htmlfilt.l       |   21 +-
 filters/makefile.2nd     |   12 -
 filters/sh-filt.l        |    5 
 macros/modes.rc          |   35 +++
 main.c                   |   95 +---------
 makefile.blc             |   46 ++--
 makefile.djg             |    4 
 makefile.icc             |   13 -              |  109 ++++++++---
 makefile.wnt             |   57 ++----
 modes.c                  |   81 ++++++--
 modetbl                  |    8 
 ntconio.c                |   11 -
 ntwinio.c                |   37 ++-
 os2vio.c                 |    5 
 patchlev.h               |    2 
 proto.h                  |    7 
 random.c                 |   20 +-
 revlist                  |  107 +++++------
 spawn.c                  |   24 +-
 statevar.c               |   50 ++++-
 tbuff.c                  |    9 
 tcap.c                   |    5 
 termio.c                 |  424 +++------------------------------------------
 test_io.c                |    5 
 version.c                |    4 
 vile-9.5.spec            |   14 +
 vile-9.5f/filters/cs.key |  108 +++++++++++
 vile-9.5f/nullterm.c     |  243 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 vile.hlp                 |   16 +             |  395 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 vmsvt.c                  |  328 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 w32cmd.c                 |   10 -
 w32ole.cpp               |   16 +
 x11.c                    |  120 +++++-------
 54 files changed, 1721 insertions(+), 1039 deletions(-)

 20060219 (f)
        > Clark Morgan:
        + update vile.hlp for %n and %N title format changes.
        > Tom Dickey:
        + fix sh-filt.l for parameter substitutions containing an escaped
          quote, e.g.,
                VERSION=${VERSION#*VERSION \"}
        + add csmode (for C# ".cs" files) and cs.key, using vile-c-filter for
        + modify ntwinio.c to invoke build_recent_file_and_folder_menus() in
          the WM_INITMENUPOPUP event rather than WM_SYSCOMMAND.  This makes
          winvile initialize the recent-folders and recent-files if one uses a
          right-click on the title of the window.
        + change winvile's registry subkey for recent-folders and recent-files
          to match environment variable settings from 9.4r, e.g., change
                "Software\VI Like Emacs\MRUFiles"
        + add new symbols $return and $_ which can be used to implement simple
          functions (request by William James).
        + fix filters/makefile.2nd to allow build for gcov
        + improve majormodes for complex fences by initializing the (non-string)
          buffer mode values for submode groups according to the values in
          the submode.  This makes ignorecase work as expected in the complex
          fence matching for vbmode.
        + add complex fences to vbmode.
        + minor fix to bat-filt.l to avoid highlighting ".bat" as a string in
                call foo.bat
        + change htmlfilt.l to highlight character- and URI-references as
          numbers to make them distinct from strings with ordinary text.
        + add makefile rules for installing/uninstalling files from doc
          as well as installing/uninstalling macros
        + correct logic for goto-char, broken in 9.4za (report by William
        + fix change to cpp.key in 9.5e, which put the C keywords in the wrong
        + add spell.rc to makefile.wnt install rule.
        + add test_io.exe rule to
        + add TERM.clean(), TERM.unclean(), TERM.openup() to help move diverse
          code out of termio.c
        + modify var_TITLEFORMAT() only call set_editor_title() when setting
          $title-format, and modify get_statevar_val() to handle some limited
          recursion just in case there are other cases where it could be called
          from the statevar.c module while retrieving a value.  This fixes a
          bug introduced in 9.5e (report by Clark Morgan).
        + update title when doing a "cd", in case it uses %r substitution.
        + change %n in modeline substitutions to use file name (pathleaf)
          rather than relative path (shorten_path).  Use %r for the latter.
          (request by Clark Morgan).
        + move VMS-specific code from termio.c to vmsvt.c
        + remove unused start_debug_log() and mallocdbg() from main.c
        + correct typo in ifdef for Visual Studio C++ 6.0 ifdef in w32ole.cpp
          from 9.5e changes.
        + move 9.5c check for stdout not a tty on startup to allow "vile -V"
          to pipe to other programs.
        + split-out nullterm.c
        + add test_io stub, to help isolate dependencies of the I/O drivers.

Thomas E. Dickey <address@hidden>

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