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[vile] Recognizing '.t' files as perly

From: Steven Lembark
Subject: [vile] Recognizing '.t' files as perly
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 13:20:16 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071121)

Odd thing: my #!.*perl and *.pm files show up with
"perlmode"; *.t files don't.

    define-majormode perlmode
    remove-submode perl cindent
    ~with define-submode perlmode
        preamble    "^#!.*perl"
        suffixes    "\\.(pm|t)$"

Checking modes.doc, there aren't any examples of
dealing with multiple suffixes for a given mode
(examples show mixing a preamble with a single
suffix "\\.pl$"). I've also tried

    suffixes    "\\.\(pm|t\)$"

without any luck: I keep ending up in "confmode"
for my perl test code.

Using multiple suffixes lines:

    define-majormode perlmode
    remove-submode perl cindent
    ~with define-submode perlmode
        preamble    "^#!.*perl"
        suffixes    "\\.pm$"
        suffixes    "\\.t$"

Gets me "perlmode" for *.pm and "perlmodemode" (no
typo) for *.t files.

Q: What is the correct syntax for attaching multiple
   suffixes to a single mode?

e.g.,, how much of the regex requires escaping to
have the metachar's handled properly?

Steven Lembark                                          +1 888 359 3508
Workhorse Computing                                       85-09 90th St
address@hidden                                 Woodhaven, NY 11421

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