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[vile] vile-9.7f.patch.gz

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: [vile] vile-9.7f.patch.gz
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2008 20:59:15 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)

 patch by Thomas E. Dickey <address@hidden>
 created  Mon Oct 20 00:53:45 UTC 2008
 CHANGES            |   26 
 MANIFEST           |    3 
 aclocal.m4         |   40 
 api.h              |    4 
 bind.c             |   90 -
 buffer.c           |   18 
 buglist            |    8 
 builtflt.c         |   21 
 cmdtbl             |   34 
 config.guess       |  156 +-
 config.sub         |   47 
 configure          | 3650 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------       |    5 
 curses.c           |    4 
 display.c          |   89 +
 edef.h             |    8 
 estruct.h          |   26 
 exec.c             |    6 
 file.c             |    6 
 filters/filterio.c |   32 
 filters/filters.c  |   53 
 filters/filters.h  |   10 
 filters/key-filt.c |   19 
 filters/spellflt.l |   14 
 filters/vb.key     |    4 
 filters/vilefilt.l |   21 
 finderr.c          |   15 
 isearch.c          |   45 
 line.c             |  192 +-
 macros/modes.rc    |    4 
 main.c             |    6 
 map.c              |    9 
 mktbls.c           |    4 
 modes.c            |  307 ++++
 modetbl            |   11 
 oneliner.c         |    4 
 patchlev.h         |    2 
 perl.xs            |  133 +
 proto.h            |   29 
 random.c           |    4 
 revlist            |  110 -
 search.c           |    4 
 select.c           |   11 
 tbuff.c            |    7 
 tcap.c             |    7 
 tcap.h             |   12 
 trace.c            |   37 
 trace.h            |    3 
 undo.c             |    4 
 vile-9.7.spec      |    9 
 vile.hlp           |   37 
 w32oo.cpp          |   29 
 w32pipe.c          |   95 -
 window.c           |    6 
 x11.c              |   31 
 55 files changed, 3383 insertions(+), 2178 deletions(-)

 20081019 (f)
        > Tom Dickey:
        + add ".aspx" suffix to htmlmode.
        + improve keyword parsing by switching back to the original table if
          no parameter is given for ".table" directive.
        + catch invalid-handle exception for winvile to fix problem with
        + improve incremental search by highlighting match if the extra-color
          isearch is set.
        + improve manipulation of line-attributes in lnewline(), needed for
          some cases in "show-extra-colors".
        + add "show-extra-colors" command.
        + add several "list-XXX" aliases to match "show-XXX" commands, for
        + correct amount of characters to replay after getting a backspace in
          incremental search (report by David Rolfe).
        + new "set-extra-colors modeline" provides better color+attributes
          combinations than the mcolor mode.
        + add "set-extra-colors" command, which will allow setting extra
          colors for special buffers such as [Settings].
        + correct ifdef in main.c for platforms which have 'environ', but do
          not declare it.
        + add configure check for utf8 library, needed for some platforms to
          use iconv library.
        + update config.guess, config.sub

Thomas E. Dickey <address@hidden>

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