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Re: [vile] Vile saves twice

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: Re: [vile] Vile saves twice
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 09:53:59 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 10 Mar 2009, Paul van Tilburg wrote:

Excellent.  I overlook ~force.  Another question.  I now have the
following macro:

; Special variant of find-next-error that uses a specific .err file
; as error buffer.
store-procedure find-next-error-from-err-file "move to the next \"error\" in the 
error file"
 ~local %cbufname
 ~local %errfile
 setv %errfile &cat &path "root" $cfilname ".err"
 setv %cbufname $cbufname
 kill-buffer %errfile
 ~quiet edit-file %errfile
 error-buffer %errfile
 buffer %cbufname
 ~force find-next-error
 ~if &not $status
   write-message &cat &cat "[No (more) errors in " %errfile " buffer]"
bind-key find-next-error-from-err-file ^X-l

So, in a common situation I edit paper.tex and save it, it will be
compiled asynchronously and if there are errors they are put in
paper.err.  Using ^X-l I can jump to an error, fix it and save again to
trigger a new compile.  However, since paper.err can be changed
asynchronously, I have to do a kill-buffer and edit-file of %errfile to
make it reload every time I run the macro, because a plain edit-file
doesn't seem to reload.  The result is that
find-next-error-from-err-file will only jump to the first error in
%errfile, even if it doesn't change between calls.  How can I make it
reload the file only if it has changed?

I think we need a new builtin-function to provide the information whether the file has changed. vile does know that it's changed, but it's not visible to the scripting. (This isn't a big change to implement...)

Given that, I'd say to reload the file as needed, but to try to make the macro a little smarter by then setting the same line-number as it was before the reload. (Though that might not be the best choice, since you'd already have fixed some errors).

Another issue:  sometimes I start vile with several buffers, paper.tex,,, etc.  If I'm editing, I'd still like ^X-l to examine paper.err, not
attempt to use 02chapter2.tex.err which will not be generated.  Now, to
make it even remotely possible to get this working, I can agree to
always have the main file, in this case paper.tex, as the first file
on the commond line, but I am not sure how I can fix %errfile for this
session.  Any ideas/suggestions?

Some - to make vile see the first file on the command-line as the "first"
buffer", you'd turn autobuffer off.  (You could in principle do this in
the macro, though I'm not sure if it would be a nice behavior to make it
restore the autobuffer setting on exit from the macro...).  Then the
macro could use "for-buffers" to call a macro that checks for the existence of the ".err" file, e.g,. something like

        {unset %errfile}
        for-buffers {macro to test if %errfile is unset, or if file exists, set 
        {test if %errfile is set}
                error-buffer %errfile

If I can solve the above two issues, this would lead to the perfect
(La)TeX editing setup for me.  I hope I can attain it. :)

Kind regards,

PhD Student @ Eindhoven                     | email: address@hidden
University of Technology, The Netherlands   | JID: address@hidden
Using the Power of Debian GNU/Linux <<< | GnuPG key ID: 0x50064181

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Thomas E. Dickey

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