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[Vrs-development] Re: Overview

From: Chris Smith
Subject: [Vrs-development] Re: Overview
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 17:16:42 +0000

On Tuesday 12 February 2002 13:57, you wrote:
> Well, that wraps the draft of the high level design.
> What are your impressions?

"The only way in and out of the LDS is through a network connection and 
read/write access to a single, highly encrypted disk file used for the 
Repository storage and configuration files."

Probably a bit specific to say that all data and configs are stored in a 
single disc file st this stage......... 'cos we don't quite know do we? :o)

I'm glad you make the point of mentioning that before a cluster may be 
promoted as a cluster, it requires at least two machines.  Orchistrating this 
is going to be tricky - I suppose the two owners of the two LDS that are 
going to form the VRS 'core' need to agree specifics.   Or could we just 
leave it that a single LDS is made available on the internet, and another LDS 
decides to join it, and gets a share of the data.  The webservice discovery 
scheme would then have two LDS's in its directory from which to satisfy 
webservice requests.  As LDS's come and go, this directory would grow and 
shrink.  Oh... wandering a bit....
So, where was I?  Oh yeah, so even though a cluster cannot exist without two 
or more LDS's - does it matter?  I mean, do we need to differentiate between 
a single LDS 'VRS' or multiple LDS 'VRS's' ??  From the outside world, the 
difference cannot be seen.  I don't think it matters technically anyway.

SOAP and XMLRPC support.
Tricky one.  If webservices generate their own XML, then they need to follow 
a specification of some sort - consistency!
My mind has gone completely blank wrt the difference between SOAP and XMLRPC 
message bodies, if they're too different then I think we'll have problems.

I'd stick with SOAP straight off - just don't define the transfer protocol 
used to get the SOAP message to the LDS (as it could be HTTP/SMTP/FTP etc - 
we don't really care do we??)

The rest is okay I think.  I'm sure it'll get refined as soon as we start 
knocking stuff together.

BTW As of this morning I'm in a position to get back to kicking Goldwater out 
of the door... Hurrah... Watch this space - I'm sure you're waiting to see 
hwo the hell you work with it?? :o)


Chris Smith
  Technical Architect - netFluid Technology Limited.
  "Internet Technologies, Distributed Systems and Tuxedo Consultancy"
  E: address@hidden  W: http://www.nfluid.co.uk

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