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From: marcello
Subject: pkgfs?
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2003 06:46:48 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/

I am quite new to GNU/Hurd, but I have an ineresting idea
for the use of filesystem translators.

Why not create a magical /pkg directory into which one could move rpms, or debs
and magically install them.  Obviously, moving the file out of the /pkg
directory would deinstall and reconstitute the package. 

This sort of thing would make sys-admining MUCH easier and might perhaps be a
``killer-app'' which makes GNU/Hurd catch on.

-=+Marcello Mathias Herreshoff

        Perhaps there might also be a migical /src directory into which one 
        move compressed tarballs...

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